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EPSRC Support by Research Topic in Electronic Devices & Subsys.

We classify grants using one or more research topics. Value is the total value of the grants awarded, not the proportion assigned to different research topics, so it does not show the level of investment in different research areas.

Grant TitlePrincipal
OrganisationDepartmentTotal Grant
Value (£)
A capability for patterning beyond-CMOS devices at atomic scalecharlton, Professor MDBUniversity of SouthamptonSch of Electronics and Computer Sci 3,141,000
A new low-complexity paradigm for analogue computation and hardware learningSporea, Dr RAUniversity of SurreyATI Electronics 1,120,652
A Photonic-Electronic non-von Neumann Processor Core for Highly Efficient Computing (APT-NuCOM)Wright, Professor CDUniversity of ExeterEngineering 1,148,414
Artificial Spin Ice for Rewritable MagnonicsBranford, Dr WRImperial College LondonPhysics 859,945
Automated Nano AnaLysing, characterisatiOn and additive packaGing sUitE (ANALOGUE)Heidari, Professor HUniversity of GlasgowCollege of Science and Engineering 3,076,010
Beyond neuromorphic: Exploiting the extended frequency response of memristive devices and systems to process information in new ways.Kenyon, Professor AJUCLElectronic and Electrical Engineering 202,082
C6: Correct-by-Construction Heterogeneous CoherenceBarbalace, Dr AUniversity of EdinburghSch of Informatics 494,698
Cutting the Edge - a Plasma Focused Ion Beam (PFIB) facility for supporting UK research in novel 3D materials research and device fabricationMartin, Dr TLUniversity of BristolPhysics 2,157,092
DART: Design Accelerators by Regulating TransformationsLuk, Professor WImperial College LondonComputing 613,910
Diamond Devices for extreme applicationsUdrea, Professor FUniversity of CambridgeEngineering 458,366
Diamond Devices for extreme applicationsJackman, Professor RBUCLLondon Centre for Nanotechnology 791,037
Digital Transformation of Electromagnetic Material Design and Manufacturing for Future Wireless Connectivity (DREAM)Hao, Professor YQueen Mary University of LondonSch of Electronic Eng & Computer Science 2,579,837
ECCS-EPSRC - Advanced III-N Devices and Circuit Architectures for mm-Wave Future-Generation Wireless CommunicationsKuball, Professor MUniversity of BristolPhysics 382,481
ECCS-EPSRC - Advanced III-N Devices and Circuit Architectures for mm-Wave Future-Generation Wireless Communications'de Souza, Professor MMUniversity of SheffieldElectronic and Electrical Engineering 405,117
ECCS-EPSRC Micromechanical Elements for Photonic Reconfigurable Zero-Static-Power ModulesCoimbatore Balram, Dr KUniversity of BristolElectrical and Electronic Engineering 332,936
ECCS-EPSRC. Acoustically Induced Ferromagnetic Resonance (FMR) Assisted Energy Efficient Spin Torque Memory DevicesHicken, Professor RUniversity of ExeterPhysics and Astronomy 357,536
ECCS-EPSRC: NeuroComm: Brain-Inspired Wireless Communications -- From Theoretical Foundations to Implementation for 6G and BeyondSimeone, Professor OKings College LondonEngineering 990,142
ECCS-EPSRC: Overcoming the Endurance Challenge in Energy-Efficient Atomic Memristors for AI and 6G ApplicationsZhang, Professor WLiverpool John Moores UniversitySchool of Engineering 535,566
ECCS-EPSRC: Overcoming the Endurance Challenge in Energy-Efficient Atomic Memristors for AI and 6G ApplicationsZhang, Professor WLiverpool John Moores UniversitySchool of Engineering 535,566
EDIBLES: Environmentally Driven Body-Scale Electromagnetic Co-SensingWagih, Dr MUniversity of GlasgowSchool of Engineering 164,265
eFutures: Electronic systems technology for emerging challengesWoods, Professor RFQueen's University of BelfastSch of Electronics, Elec Eng & Comp Sci 760,495
Electrodeposited 2D Transition Metal Dichalcogenides on graphene: a novel route towards scalable flexible electronicsde Groot, Professor CUniversity of SouthamptonSch of Electronics and Computer Sci 1,023,916
Electrodeposited 2D Transition Metal Dichalcogenides on graphene: a novel route towards scalable flexible electronicsHanham, Dr SMImperial College LondonMaterials 434,446
Enabling Transient Computing for Unreliable Internet of Things: A Paradigm Shift for Sensor Systems (PROCEEDING)Balsamo, Dr DNewcastle UniversitySch of Engineering 393,416
EPSRC and SFI Centre for Doctoral Training in Photonic Integration and Advanced Data StorageBowman, Professor RQueen's University of BelfastSch of Mathematics and Physics 4,471,658
EPSRC Centre for Doctoral Training in Compound Semiconductor ManufacturingSmowton, Professor PMCardiff UniversitySchool of Physics and Astronomy 6,885,919
EPSRC Centre for Doctoral Training in Photonic and Electronic SystemsSeeds, Professor AJUCLElectronic and Electrical Engineering 7,419,552
EPSRC-SFI Aluminium-Rich Nitride Electronics (ARNE)Moran, Professor DAJUniversity of GlasgowSchool of Engineering 597,833
EPSRC-SFI: An ocean microlab for autonomous dissolved inorganic carbon depth profile measurementMaguire, Professor PUniversity of UlsterNanotechnology and Adv Materials Inst 602,640
EPSRC-SFI: Next Generation Energy Autonomous Textile Fabrics based on Triboelectric Nanogenerators (NextGenT-TENG)Mulvihill, Dr DUniversity of GlasgowSchool of Engineering 1,509,817
Establishing Electrically Programmable Reaction Arrays as Universal Chemical ComputersCronin, Professor LUniversity of GlasgowSchool of Chemistry 733,213
Ferroelectric gating for agile and reconfigurable 2D electronicsAlexe, Professor MUniversity of WarwickPhysics 840,197
FINER: Future thermal Imaging with Nanometre Enhanced ResolutionKuball, Professor MUniversity of BristolPhysics 691,079
Functional Oxide Reconfigurable Technologies (FORTE): A Programme GrantProdromakis, Professor TUniversity of EdinburghSch of Engineering 2,354,703
Future Memcomputing Arrays for Next Generation Computer VisionKemp, Dr NTUniversity of NottinghamSch of Physics & Astronomy 368,171
Gallium Nitride Smart Power Integrated Circuit Technology (GaN SPICe)Igic, Professor PCoventry UniversityIns for Future Transport & Cities 360,818
Gallium Nitride Smart Power Integrated Circuit Technology (GaN SPICe)Moran, Professor DAJUniversity of GlasgowSchool of Engineering 502,471
granWoods, Professor RFQueen's University of BelfastSch of Electronics, Elec Eng & Comp Sci 516,508
Guiding, Localizing and IMaging confined GHz acoustic waves in GaN Elastic waveguides and Resonators for monolithically integrated RF front-endsCoimbatore Balram, Dr KUniversity of BristolElectrical and Electronic Engineering 962,654
Hardware Acceleration of Functional Languages (HAFLANG)Stewart, Dr RHeriot-Watt UniversityS of Mathematical and Computer Sciences 350,700
Hardware Security for Approximate ComputingGU, Dr CQueen's University of BelfastSch of Electronics, Elec Eng & Comp Sci 298,063
High-Density Active Silicon Carbide Power Electronics: Enabling Responsive Power ConversionJahdi, Dr SUniversity of BristolElectrical and Electronic Engineering 313,954
High-Density Active Silicon Carbide Power Electronics: Enabling Responsive Power ConversionJahdi, Dr SUniversity of BristolElectrical and Electronic Engineering 313,954
Innovative Material, Processes and Devices for Low Power Flexible Electronics: Creating a Sustainable Internet of EverythingJohnson, Dr ALUniversity of BathChemistry 2,323,962
Low Resistance Contacts on Atomically Thin Body Semiconductors for Energy Efficient Electronics (LoResCon)Chhowalla, Professor MUniversity of CambridgeMaterials Science & Metallurgy 940,086
Magnetic Architectures for Reservoir Computing Hardware (MARCH)Hayward, Dr T JUniversity of SheffieldMaterials Science and Engineering 936,815
Magnetic Metasurfaces for Sustainable Information and Communication Technologies (MetaMagIC)Bending, Professor SJUniversity of BathPhysics 16,271
MARCH: Magnetic Architectures for Reservoir Computing HardwareStepney, Professor SUniversity of YorkComputer Science 1,162,095
Mastering charge-lattice interactions in novel semiconductors for renewable energy generationHerz, Professor LMUniversity of OxfordOxford Physics 2,438,409
Memory Impedance for Efficient Complex-valued Neural NetworksMehonic, Dr AUCLElectronic and Electrical Engineering 201,922
MEMS-metasurface Based Tunable Optical Vortex Lasers for smart free-space communicationHaas, Professor HUniversity of CambridgeEngineering 191,983
Monolithic On-chip Integration of Electronics & Photonics Using III-nitrides for TelecomsKesaria, Dr MCardiff UniversitySchool of Physics and Astronomy 437,465
Monolithic On-chip Integration of Electronics & Photonics Using III-nitrides for TelecomsSmith, Dr RMUniversity of SheffieldElectronic and Electrical Engineering 607,797
Monolithic On-chip Integration of Electronics & Photonics Using III-nitrides for TelecomsMartin, Professor RWUniversity of StrathclydePhysics 259,684
Multipurpose Electronics Toolkit using Suspended Membranes: towards Systems on NothingSporea, Dr RAUniversity of SurreyATI Electronics 836,085
MultiTasking and Continual Learning for Audio Sensing Tasks on Resource-Constrained PlatformsChauhan, Dr JUniversity of SouthamptonSch of Electronics and Computer Sci 456,607
Nano-Opto-Electro-Mechanical Integrated Oscillator Arrays for Energy-Efficient Physical Reservoir Computing (NOEMIA)TSUCHIYA, Dr YUniversity of SouthamptonSch of Electronics and Computer Sci 273,288
Nanoscale Advanced Materials EngineeringCurry, Professor RJUniversity of Manchester, TheElectrical and Electronic Engineering 7,671,801
National Edge AI Hub for Real Data: Edge Intelligence for Cyber-disturbances and Data QualityRanjan, Professor RNewcastle UniversitySch of Computing 10,277,846
Nervous SystemsHarkin, Professor JUniversity of UlsterSch of Computing & Intelligent Systems 614,711
Nervous SystemsTrefzer, Dr M AUniversity of YorkElectronics 859,395
New direction in high temperature dielectrics: unlocking performance of doped tungsten bronze oxides through mechanistic understandingHall, Dr DAUniversity of Manchester, TheMaterials 231,813
New directions in high temperature dielectrics: unlocking performance of doped tungsten bronze oxides through mechanistic understandingSinclair, Professor DUniversity of SheffieldMaterials Science and Engineering 147,351
New directions in high temperature dielectrics: unlocking performance of doped tungsten bronze oxides through mechanistic understandingBrown, Professor APUniversity of LeedsChemical and Process Engineering 432,804
New directions in high temperature dielectrics: unlocking performance of doped tungsten bronze oxides through mechanistic understandingBeanland, Professor RUniversity of WarwickPhysics 376,462
Next generation Acoustic Wave Filter PlatformCoimbatore Balram, Dr KUniversity of BristolElectrical and Electronic Engineering 619,963
Next generation Acoustic Wave Filter PlatformWilliams, Professor OACardiff UniversitySchool of Physics and Astronomy 491,473
Organic Optoelectronic Neural NetworksSamuel, Professor IUniversity of St AndrewsPhysics and Astronomy 573,828
Organic optoelectronic neural networksLvovsky, Professor AUniversity of OxfordOxford Physics 575,032
Oxide Recurrent Neural NetworksBorisov, Dr PLoughborough UniversityPhysics 277,037
Picometre Surface Nanoscale Axial Photonics (PicoSNAP)Sumetsky, Professor MAston UniversityCollege of Engineering and Physical Sci 1,167,290
Probing the States of Single Molecules for Sensing and Multi-value Memory ApplicationsPaul, Professor DJUniversity of GlasgowSchool of Engineering 1,581,050
Programmable Microwave Hardware Based on Liquid Wires (PROGRAMMABLE)Kelly, Dr JQueen Mary University of LondonSch of Electronic Eng & Computer Science 425,970
Programmable Microwave Hardware Based on Liquid Wires (PROGRAMMABLE)Wang, Professor YUniversity of BirminghamElectronic, Electrical and Computer Eng 446,111
Rapid Prototyping of Novel Devices with In-situ Deposition, Imaging and NanolithographyMorrison, Professor KLoughborough UniversityPhysics 1,997,801
Room-Temperature Single Atom Silicon Quantum ElectronicsCurson, Professor NJUCLLondon Centre for Nanotechnology 466,959
Room-Temperature Single Atom Silicon Quantum ElectronicsDurrani, Dr ZAKImperial College LondonElectrical and Electronic Engineering 555,711
Room-Temperature Single Atom Silicon Quantum ElectronicsDurrani, Dr ZAKImperial College LondonElectrical and Electronic Engineering 555,711
SGAI: Brain-Inspired Nanosystems for Smart and Green AIRajendran, Professor BKings College LondonEngineering 1,518,054
Silicon Carbide Power Conversion for Telecommunications Satellite ApplicationsGammon, Professor PMUniversity of WarwickSch of Engineering 746,426
Skyrmionics for Neuromorphic TechnologiesMoutafis, Dr CUniversity of Manchester, TheComputer Science 703,710
SONNETS: Scalability Oriented Novel Network of Event Triggered SystemsThomas, Professor DBUniversity of SouthamptonSch of Electronics and Computer Sci 6,467,613
Superconducting Gatemon Quantum Computing Enabled by CryoElectronicsWeides, Professor MPUniversity of GlasgowSchool of Engineering 989,352
SUPer-REsolution non-invasive Muscle measurements with miniaturised magnetIc SEnsors (SUPREMISE)Heidari, Professor HUniversity of GlasgowSchool of Engineering 1,760,817
Terahertz frequency devices and systems for ultrahigh capacity wireless communicationsDavies, Professor AGUniversity of LeedsElectronic and Electrical Engineering 7,097,283
TESiC-SuperJ - Trench Epitaxy for SiC Superjunctions: technology enabling low loss HVDC power electronics.Shah, Dr VUniversity of WarwickSch of Engineering 398,802
Three-Dimensional Multilayer Nanomagnetic Arrays for Neuromorphic Low-Energy Magnonic ProcessingC. Gartside, Dr JImperial College LondonPhysics 165,107
Topological Insulator based Transistors for Neuromorphic Computer Systemsde Souza, Professor MMUniversity of SheffieldElectronic and Electrical Engineering 202,432
Transmission Channels Measurements and Communication System Design for Future MM-wave Communications (mm Wave TRACCS)Darwazeh, Professor IUCLElectronic and Electrical Engineering 551,190
TRaNSMIT - A towable RF system for non-invasive sensing and measurement of Arctic sea ice thicknessMarsh, Dr LUniversity of Manchester, TheElectrical and Electronic Engineering 407,143
TRaNSMIT - A towable RF system for non-invasive sensing and measurement of Arctic sea ice thicknessMarsh, Dr LUniversity of Manchester, TheElectrical and Electronic Engineering 407,143
Transparent Transmitters and Programmable Metasurfaces for Transport and Beyond-5G (TRANSMETA)Whittow, Professor WGLoughborough UniversityWolfson Sch of Mech, Elec & Manufac Eng 637,215
UKRI Centre for Doctoral Training in Machine Intelligence for Nano-electronic Devices and SystemsNorman, Professor TUniversity of SouthamptonSch of Electronics and Computer Sci 6,119,646
UKRI-RCN: Exploiting the dynamics of self-timed machine learning hardware (ESTEEM)Yakovlev, Professor ANewcastle UniversitySch of Engineering 836,689
Ultrawide Bandgap AlGaN Power Electronics - Transforming Solid-State Circuit Breakers (ULTRAlGaN)Kuball, Professor MUniversity of BristolPhysics 5,326,504
Van der Waals Ga2O3 functional materials epitaxy: Revolutionary power electronicsKuball, Professor MUniversity of BristolPhysics 201,458
Vertical GaN-on-Si membrane power transistors: Efficient power electronics for mass-market applications (VertiGaN)`Smith, Dr M DUniversity of BristolPhysics 328,782
WIND2DC: Medium Voltage DC Power Take Off Technologies for Floating Offshore Wind Turbine Energy Conversion and Collection SystemsHorsfall, Professor ABDurham, University ofEngineering 510,454
Wind2DC: Medium Voltage DC Power Take Off Technologies for Floating Offshore Wind Turbine Energy Conversion and Collection SystemsMcDonald, Professor AUniversity of EdinburghCollege of Science and Engineering 913,614
Wireless Controls and Readouts for Qubit Upscaling (WiQC)Li, Professor CUniversity of GlasgowSchool of Engineering 202,320

Total Number of Grants: 100
Total Value of Grants: £130,973,173

The grant value may include the cost of access to facilities (these funds are not awarded to the grant holding organisation).