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Current EPSRC Support by Department

Organisation: Imperial College London
Department: Computing

Grant TitlePrincipal InvestigatorValue (£)
An Abstraction-based Technique for Safe Reinforcement LearningBelardinelli, Dr F 302,082
CHEDDAR: Communications Hub For Empowering Distributed ClouD Computing Applications And ResearchMcCann, Professor J 3,028,049
CHEDDAR: Communications Hub for Empowering Distributed clouD computing Applications and Research - TMF upliftMcCann, Professor J 8,558,479
COmpetition models and cross-Subsidies for equitable and green MObility - COSMOPaccagnan, Dr D 132,051
DART: Design Accelerators by Regulating TransformationsLuk, Professor W 613,910
DEFORM: Large Scale Shape Analysis of Deformable Models of HumansZafeiriou, Professor S 1,350,283
EPSRC Network+ proposal: Human-Like ComputingMuggleton, Professor S 1,346,363
Fair and modular blockchain data infrastructure for open science and society (FairOnChain)Knottenbelt, Professor WJ 95,825
GNNs for Network Security (and Privacy) GRAPHS4SECHaddadi, Professor H 326,218
GNOMON: Deep Generative Models in non-Euclidean Spaces for Computer Vision & GraphicsZafeiriou, Professor S 1,053,555
IntentMAPS: Anticipating Intent facilitated by Multi-scale Adaptive Passive RF SensingMcCann, Professor J 1,254,299
On-Sensor Computer VisionKelly, Professor P 1,404,122
Perceiving, Modelling and Interacting with the Object-Based WorldDavison, Professor AJ 2,066,563
Privacy-preserving Artificial Intelligence for Fibrosis Progression Prediction for Patients with Neovascular AMDRueckert, Professor D 381,435
Prosperity Partnership Call 2 Strategic Students-Dyson and Imperial CollegeDavison, Professor AJ 427,701
Reliable and Robust Quantum ComputingKelly, Professor P 70,209
RESICS:Resilience and Safety to attacks in ICS and CPSLupu, Professor EC 919,122
SACRED-MA: Safe And seCure REmote Direct Memory AccessRaad, Dr A 452,577
SAIS: Secure AI assistantSLomuscio, Professor AR 396,174
Securing the Next Billion Consumer Devices on the EdgeHaddadi, Professor H 1,283,043
Transparent Compression for General-Purpose Programming LanguagesPirk, Dr H 293,360
UKRI AI Centre for Doctoral Training in Digital HealthcareFaisal, Professor A 9,286,672
UKRI Centre for Doctoral Training in Artificial Intelligence for HealthcareFaisal, Professor A 8,189,428

Total Number of Grants: 23
Total Value of Grants: £43,231,522

The grant value may include the cost of access to facilities (these funds are not awarded to the grant holding organisation).