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Researcher Details
Name: Professor S Stepney
Organisation: University of York
Department: Computer Science
Current EPSRC-Supported Research Topics:
Condensed Matter Physics Electronic Devices & Subsys.
Fundamentals of Computing Synthetic biology

Current EPSRC Support
EP/V027395/2 EPSRC-SFI: Supercoiling-driven gene control in synthetic DNA circuits(C)
EP/V006029/1 MARCH: Magnetic Architectures for Reservoir Computing Hardware(P)
Previous EPSRC Support
EP/V027395/1 EPSRC-SFI: Supercoiling-driven gene control in synthetic DNA circuits(C)
EP/R032823/1 Spin Inspired Representations(P)
EP/M027538/1 TARGeTED: Tackling Antimicrobial Resistance through Goal-orientated Thinking in the EPS Disciplines(C)
EP/F060041/1 Artificial Biochemical Networks: Computational Models and Architectures(C)
EP/F031033/1 PLAZZMID: Evolutionary algorithms from bacterial and bee genomes(P)
EP/F032749/1 The TRANSIT Programme - Discipline Bridging at the University of York(C)
EP/E053505/1 CoSMoS: Complex Systems Modelling and Simulation(P)
EP/D076420/1 International Conference on Unconventional Computation 2006(P)
EP/C516966/1 TUNA: Theory Underpinning Nanotech Assemblers (Feasibility Study)(P)
GR/S63823/01 What Emerges When in Vivo Meets in Silico(P)
Key: (P)=Principal Investigator, (C)=Co-Investigator, (R)=Researcher Co-Investigator