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EPSRC Support by Research Topic in Optoelect. Devices & Circuits

We classify grants using one or more research topics. Value is the total value of the grants awarded, not the proportion assigned to different research topics, so it does not show the level of investment in different research areas.

Grant TitlePrincipal
OrganisationDepartmentTotal Grant
Value (£)
2D polaritons for optoelectronic devices and networksKyriienko, Dr OUniversity of ExeterPhysics and Astronomy 202,250
A capability for patterning beyond-CMOS devices at atomic scalecharlton, Professor MDBUniversity of SouthamptonSch of Electronics and Computer Sci 3,141,000
A Light Modulator Technology for Spatio-Temporal Coherence ControlMorris, Professor SUniversity of OxfordEngineering Science 828,913
A National Research Facility for EpitaxyHeffernan, Professor JUniversity of SheffieldElectronic and Electrical Engineering 12,250,478
Adaptive Point-of-Use Electronics ManufacturingChristopher, Dr PJUniversity of NottinghamFaculty of Engineering 11,070
Adaptive Point-of-Use Electronics ManufacturingJoyce, Professor HJUniversity of CambridgeEngineering 244,953
Advanced Optical Frequency Comb Technologies and ApplicationsTuritsyn, Professor SKAston UniversityCollege of Engineering and Physical Sci 1,722,851
An advanced Platform for INtegrated Quantum photonics devices (PINQ)Mazzera, Dr MHeriot-Watt UniversitySch of Engineering and Physical Science 1,339,622
Beyond direct-write: Dynamically reconfigurable holographic multibeam interference lithography for high-throughput nanomanufacturingJoyce, Professor HJUniversity of CambridgeEngineering 506,444
Capability for wafer-level sub-nanometre scale imagingMashanovich, Professor GUniversity of SouthamptonOptoelectronics Research Centre (ORC) 1,633,565
C-band quantum-dot lasers on monolithically grown Si platformLi, Dr QCardiff UniversitySchool of Physics and Astronomy 744,083
C-band quantum-dot lasers on monolithically grown Si platformLiu, Professor HUCLElectronic and Electrical Engineering 729,747
CORNERSTONE 2.5Littlejohns, Professor CUniversity of SouthamptonOptoelectronics Research Centre (ORC) 1,538,492
Developing Machine Learning-empowered Responsive Manufacture Of Industrial Laser SystemsCarter, Dr RMHeriot-Watt UniversitySch of Engineering and Physical Science 1,376,132
Dopant-based Quantum Technologies in SiliconCurson, Professor NJUCLLondon Centre for Nanotechnology 1,269,218
ECCS-EPSRC Micromechanical Elements for Photonic Reconfigurable Zero-Static-Power ModulesCoimbatore Balram, Dr KUniversity of BristolElectrical and Electronic Engineering 332,936
ECCS-EPSRC Superlattice Architectures for Efficient and Stable Perovskite LEDsSnaith, Professor HJUniversity of OxfordOxford Physics 653,577
ECCS-EPSRC Superlattice Architectures for Efficient and Stable Perovskite LEDsFriend, Professor Sir RUniversity of CambridgePhysics 1,095,855
ECCS-EPSRC. Acoustically Induced Ferromagnetic Resonance (FMR) Assisted Energy Efficient Spin Torque Memory DevicesHicken, Professor RUniversity of ExeterPhysics and Astronomy 357,536
Efficient Integrated Photonic Phase Shifters for Data/Telecom and Quantum ApplicationsAbadia, Dr NCardiff UniversitySchool of Physics and Astronomy 165,732
EPSRC and SFI Centre for Doctoral Training in Photonic Integration and Advanced Data StorageBowman, Professor RQueen's University of BelfastSch of Mathematics and Physics 4,471,658
EPSRC Centre for Doctoral Training in Compound Semiconductor ManufacturingSmowton, Professor PMCardiff UniversitySchool of Physics and Astronomy 6,885,919
EPSRC Centre for Doctoral Training in Connected Electronic and Photonic Systems (CEPS)Seeds, Professor AJUCLElectronic and Electrical Engineering 5,679,485
EPSRC Centre for Doctoral Training in Industry-Inspired Photonic Imaging, Sensing and AnalysisReid, Professor DHeriot-Watt UniversitySch of Engineering and Physical Science 5,346,752
EPSRC Centre for Doctoral Training in Photonic and Electronic SystemsSeeds, Professor AJUCLElectronic and Electrical Engineering 7,419,552
EPSRC Compound Semiconductor Manufacturing Hub for a Sustainable FutureSmowton, Professor PMCardiff UniversitySchool of Physics and Astronomy 11,884,843
EPSRC-SFI: Developing a Quantum Bus for germanium hole based spin qubits on siliconMyronov, Dr MUniversity of WarwickPhysics 767,365
EPSRC-SFI: Developing a Quantum Bus for germanium hole based spin qubits on silicon (Quantum Bus)Smith, Professor CGUniversity of CambridgePhysics 630,029
EPSRC-SFI: Developing a Quantum Bus for germanium hole-based spin qubits on silicon (GeQuantumBus)Bose, Professor SUCLPhysics and Astronomy 280,201
EPSRC-SFI:Towards power efficient microresonator frequency combsSkryabin, Professor DUniversity of BathPhysics 423,609
Fiberized Platforms for Integrated Nanosheet MaterialsPeacock, Professor AUniversity of SouthamptonOptoelectronics Research Centre (ORC) 598,755
Future Electrical Machines Manufacturing HubJewell, Professor GUniversity of SheffieldElectronic and Electrical Engineering 10,735,962
Future Memcomputing Arrays for Next Generation Computer VisionKemp, Dr NTUniversity of NottinghamSch of Physics & Astronomy 368,171
Green Optical Wireless Communications Facilitated by Photonic Power Harvesting "GreenCom"Haas, Professor HUniversity of CambridgeEngineering 576,959
High Resolution Unconventional Lithography for Advanced MaterialsBoya, Dr RUniversity of Manchester, ThePhysics and Astronomy 929,824
High-specification nanofabrication equipment: enabling increased capability and capacity for electronics, spintronics, photonics, and bioelectronics.Linfield, Professor EHUniversity of LeedsElectronic and Electrical Engineering 2,587,981
High-speed Terahertz Imaging using Rydberg Atoms & Quantum Cascade LasersDean, Dr PUniversity of LeedsElectronic and Electrical Engineering 352,308
High-speed Terahertz Imaging using Rydberg Atoms & Quantum Cascade LasersWeatherill, Professor KJDurham, University ofPhysics 666,243
Integrated levitated optomechanical gravimeterYan, Professor JUniversity of SouthamptonSch of Electronics and Computer Sci 836,594
Integrated Quantum Frequency Combs for Cluster States GenerationCaspani, Dr LUniversity of StrathclydeInst of Photonics 366,215
Integrated Solid-State Steerable Lasers (I-STEER)Thomson, Professor RRHeriot-Watt UniversitySch of Engineering and Physical Science 714,143
Integrated Solid-State Steerable Lasers (I-STEER)Hogg, Professor RAAston UniversityCollege of Engineering and Physical Sci 944,025
Interface Engineering for Terawatt Scale Deployment of Perovskite-on-Silicon Tandem Solar CellsBonilla Osorio, Professor RSUniversity of OxfordMaterials 1,148,260
Layered Materials Research FoundryFerrari, Professor ACUniversity of CambridgeEngineering 1,871,126
Light Emitting Field-Effect Transistors: A Route to Injection Lasing in Organic MaterialsChaudhry, Dr MUDurham, University ofEngineering 395,233
MEMS-metasurface Based Tunable Optical Vortex Lasers for smart free-space communicationHaas, Professor HUniversity of CambridgeEngineering 191,983
MISSION (Mid- Infrared Silicon Photonic Sensors for Healthcare and Environmental Monitoring)Reed, Professor GTUniversity of SouthamptonOptoelectronics Research Centre (ORC) 5,757,814
Monolithic generation & detection of squeezed light in silicon nitride photonics (Mono-Squeeze)Politi, Dr AUniversity of SouthamptonSch of Physics and Astronomy 489,134
Monolithic generation & detection of squeezed light in silicon nitride photonics (Mono-Squeeze)Matthews, Professor JUniversity of BristolPhysics 514,112
Monolithic On-chip Integration of Electronics & Photonics Using III-nitrides for TelecomsKesaria, Dr MCardiff UniversitySchool of Physics and Astronomy 437,465
Monolithic On-chip Integration of Electronics & Photonics Using III-nitrides for TelecomsMartin, Professor RWUniversity of StrathclydePhysics 259,684
Nano-Opto-Electro-Mechanical Integrated Oscillator Arrays for Energy-Efficient Physical Reservoir Computing (NOEMIA)TSUCHIYA, Dr YUniversity of SouthamptonSch of Electronics and Computer Sci 273,288
Nano-structured RC Networks - A Pathway To Artificial SkinAmit, Dr IDurham, University ofEngineering 165,557
Next generation metamaterials: exploiting four dimensionsCraster, Professor RImperial College LondonMathematics 7,731,660
NP2: Hybrid Nanoparticle-Nanoporous nitride materials as a novel precision manufacture route to optoelectronic devicesOliver, Professor RAUniversity of CambridgeMaterials Science & Metallurgy 202,164
OptoCloud: Ultra-fast optically interconnected heterogeneous Data CentersZervas, Professor GUCLElectronic and Electrical Engineering 1,120,128
Organic Optoelectronic Neural NetworksSamuel, Professor IUniversity of St AndrewsPhysics and Astronomy 573,828
Organic optoelectronic neural networksLvovsky, Professor AUniversity of OxfordOxford Physics 575,032
Overcoming Resolution and Bandwidth limIT in radio-frequency Signal digitisation (ORBITS)Liu, Dr ZUCLElectronic and Electrical Engineering 877,216
Photonic Integrated Modulators for Aerospace and Data/TelecomAbadia, Dr NCardiff UniversitySchool of Physics and Astronomy 326,297
Photonic Ultra-high-Q REsonators (PURE)Gates, Dr JCUniversity of SouthamptonOptoelectronics Research Centre (ORC) 1,275,039
Photonics Enabled Terahertz Spectroscopy for Air Pollution Monitoring and Climate Change StudiesPonnampalam, Dr LUCLElectronic and Electrical Engineering 919,644
QUantum Dot On Silicon systems for communications, information processing and sensing (QUDOS)Seeds, Professor AJUCLElectronic and Electrical Engineering 6,123,268
Quantum Terahertz Nanoelectronics (QuanTeraN)Georgiou, Dr GUniversity of GlasgowSchool of Engineering 524,870
Sheffield-Phlux Advance Research Collaboration (SPARC)Ng, Professor JUniversity of SheffieldElectronic and Electrical Engineering 529,593
Sheffield-Phlux Advance Research Collaboration (SPARC)Ng, Professor JUniversity of SheffieldElectronic and Electrical Engineering 529,593
Sheffield-Phlux Advance Research Collaboration (SPARC)Ng, Professor JUniversity of SheffieldElectronic and Electrical Engineering 529,593
Smart Fibre Optics High-Power Photonics (HiPPo)Zervas, Professor MUniversity of SouthamptonOptoelectronics Research Centre (ORC) 6,249,535
SNOW: Wearable Nano-Opto-electro-mechanic SystemsHeidari, Professor HUniversity of GlasgowSchool of Engineering 246,179
Soft colloidal quantum Wells IMage Sensing (SWIMS)Hou, Dr BCardiff UniversitySchool of Physics and Astronomy 343,447
Stream 2: South Wales Compound Semiconductor Place Based Impact AcceleratorSmowton, Professor PMCardiff UniversitySchool of Physics and Astronomy 4,408,907
Tamm metasurface lasers for sensing and datacomm applicationsHarbord, Dr EGHUniversity of BristolElectrical and Electronic Engineering 413,929
Terabit Bidirectional Multi-user Optical Wireless System (TOWS) for 6G LiFiAl-Hashimi, Professor BKings College LondonEngineering 3,692,896
Terahertz frequency devices and systems for ultrahigh capacity wireless communicationsDavies, Professor AGUniversity of LeedsElectronic and Electrical Engineering 7,097,283
Towards a revolution in optical communicationsThomson, Professor DUniversity of SouthamptonOptoelectronics Research Centre (ORC) 1,055,484
Tuneable short-wavelength infrared mode-locked fibre lasersPerego, Dr A MAston UniversityCollege of Engineering and Physical Sci 165,300
Turing AI Fellowship: PHOTONics for ultrafast Artificial IntelligenceHurtado, Dr AUniversity of StrathclydeInst of Photonics 1,205,285
UK National Ion Beam CentreWebb, Professor RPUniversity of SurreyATI Electronics 2,454,938
Vertical GaN-on-Si membrane power transistors: Efficient power electronics for mass-market applications (VertiGaN)`Smith, Dr M DUniversity of BristolPhysics 328,782
Wearable Nano-Opto-electro-mechanic SystemsHosseini, Dr EDurham, University ofEngineering 61,874
Zero-change manufacturing of photonic interconnects for silicon electronicsStrain, Professor MJUniversity of StrathclydeInst of Photonics 509,739

Total Number of Grants: 81
Total Value of Grants: £155,186,202

The grant value may include the cost of access to facilities (these funds are not awarded to the grant holding organisation).