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EPSRC Support by Research Topic in Energy - Nuclear

We classify grants using one or more research topics. Value is the total value of the grants awarded, not the proportion assigned to different research topics, so it does not show the level of investment in different research areas.

Grant TitlePrincipal
OrganisationDepartmentTotal Grant
Value (£)
A molten salt community framework for predictive modelling of critical characteristicsBingham, Professor PASheffield Hallam UniversityCollege of Business, Technology & Eng 591,182
A new concept for compact radiation shielding: Reactive sintered tungsten borocarbidesMarshall, Dr J MUniversity of WarwickPhysics 1,118,023
A Nuclear Decommissioning Manipulator with Novel Variable Impedance ActuatorGlovnea, Professor RPUniversity of SussexSch of Engineering and Informatics 397,509
Addressing self-irradiation damage and its impact on the long-term behaviour of nuclear waste matricesMir, Dr AUniversity of HuddersfieldSch of Computing and Engineering 1,055,775
Advanced shielding materials to enable compact fusion reactorsHumphry-Baker, Dr SAImperial College LondonMaterials 1,115,686
Advancing Location Accuracy via Collimated Nuclear Assay for Decommissioning Robotic Applications (ALACANDRA)Joyce, Professor MJLancaster UniversityEngineering 681,125
Advancing Location Accuracy via Collimated Nuclear Assay for Decommissioning Robotic Applications (ALACANDRA)Lennox, Professor BUniversity of Manchester, TheElectrical and Electronic Engineering 527,313
ATF Solutions to Light Water-Cooled SMRsShwageraus, Professor EUniversity of CambridgeEngineering 543,229
Autonomous Inspection for Responsive and Sustainable Nuclear Fuel Manufacture (AIRS-NFM)Joyce, Professor MJLancaster UniversityEngineering 1,499,367
Bridging the gap between small scale mechanical testing and bulk material property measurements of advanced, structural nuclear materialsKareer, Dr AUniversity of OxfordMaterials 448,807
Capture gamma-ray Assessment in Nuclear Energy (C-GANE)Joyce, Professor MJLancaster UniversityEngineering 1,685,486
Clay Hydration, Drying, and Cracking in Nuclear Waste RepositoriesHarrington, Dr JBritish Geological SurveyMinerals & Waste 329,561
Compositional and Structural Evolution of Plutonium Dioxide: Underpinning Future DecisionsLivens, Professor FUniversity of Manchester, TheChemistry 930,945
Cutting the Edge - a Plasma Focused Ion Beam (PFIB) facility for supporting UK research in novel 3D materials research and device fabricationMartin, Dr TLUniversity of BristolPhysics 2,157,092
Defining a Draft for a Zero Power Reactor Experiment for Molten Salt ReactorsMerk, Professor BUniversity of LiverpoolMaterial, Design & Manufacturing Eng 1,284,485
Developing technology and specifications for metakaolin-based geopolymers as robust and promising stabilisers for fuel debris removalWalkley, Dr BUniversity of SheffieldChemical & Biological Engineering 410,985
Effect of high temperature on chemo-mechanical degradation of compacted clays intended for the isolation of HLW and SNFGraham, Dr CCBritish Geological SurveyBGS Laboratories 250,541
Effect of high temperature on chemo-mechanical degradation of compacted clays intended for the isolation of HLW and SNFTsiampousi, Dr KImperial College LondonCivil & Environmental Engineering 253,760
enabling Sixty Years creep-fatigue life of the NExt generation nuclear Reactors 'SYNERgy'Chen, Professor BUniversity of LeicesterEngineering 1,247,261
Enhanced Methodologies for Advanced Nuclear System Safety (eMEANSS)Middleburgh, Professor SBangor UniversitySch of Computer Science & Electronic Eng 854,923
EPSRC Centre for Doctoral Training in Nuclear Energy FuturesWenman, Dr MRImperial College LondonMaterials 6,562,388
EPSRC Centre for Doctoral Training in Nuclear Energy- GREEN (Growing skills for Reliable Economic Energy from Nuclear)Heath, Professor SLUniversity of Manchester, TheMechanical Aerospace and Civil Eng 6,541,174
EPSRC Centre for Doctoral Training in Skills And Training Underpinning a Renaissance in Nuclear (SATURN)Heath, Professor SLUniversity of Manchester, TheMechanical Aerospace and Civil Eng 12,533,677
Intermetallic Dispersion Strengthened 'IDS-Steels' for Generation IV NuclearKnowles, Dr A JUniversity of BirminghamMetallurgy and Materials 628,951
International Collaboration to Advance the Technical Readiness of High Uranium Density Fuels and Composites for Small Modular ReactorsTurner, Dr JUniversity of Manchester, TheMechanical Aerospace and Civil Eng 509,135
Investigating electrochemically induced uranium redox cyclingNeill, Dr TUniversity of Manchester, TheEarth Atmospheric and Env Sciences 463,431
MCSIMus: Monte Carlo Simulation with Inline MultiphysicsCosgrove, Dr PUniversity of CambridgeEngineering 349,005
MIDAS - Mechanistic understanding of Irradiation Damage in fuel AssembliesFrankel, Dr PGUniversity of Manchester, TheMaterials 7,226,655
Modelling long timescale effects of irradiation damage of nuclear graphiteJolley, Dr KLoughborough UniversityChemistry 379,651
New Fuel Assemblies for Advanced Nuclear TechnologiesHarrison, Dr RUniversity of Manchester, TheMechanical Aerospace and Civil Eng 683,455
Nuclear Data Measurements for Advanced Nuclear TechnologiesWright, Dr T JUniversity of Manchester, ThePhysics and Astronomy 851,897
Nuclear Fuel-debris Characterisation via Multimodal Spectroscopy and Analytics (NuFAMSA)Murray, Dr PUniversity of StrathclydeElectronic and Electrical Engineering 495,110
'OptiClean' - Optimised laser cleaning for safe nuclear decontamination and decommissioningScott, Professor TBUniversity of BristolInterface Analysis Centre 505,253
Reliable computational modelling of boiling for high-void and the critical heat fluxColombo, Dr MUniversity of SheffieldMechanical Engineering 317,417
Simultaneous Corrosion/Irradiation Testing in Lead and Lead-Bismuth Eutectic: The Radiation Decelerated Corrosion Hypothesis (RC-3)Hofmann, Dr FUniversity of OxfordEngineering Science 543,314
Turbulence and transport in the presence of electromagnetic fluctuations and supra-thermal particles in tokamaks.Ruiz Ruiz, Dr JUniversity of OxfordOxford Physics 365,472
UKINN: UK India Nuclear NetworkWhittle, Professor KRUniversity of LiverpoolMaterial, Design & Manufacturing Eng 257,243

Total Number of Grants: 37
Total Value of Grants: £56,596,283

The grant value may include the cost of access to facilities (these funds are not awarded to the grant holding organisation).