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Current EPSRC Support by Department

Organisation: University of Manchester, The
Department: Chemistry

Grant TitlePrincipal InvestigatorValue (£)
A Cooperative Approach to C-N Bond FormationWillcox, Dr D 300,234
A National Research Facility for EPR Spectroscopy, 2022-2027Collison, Dr D 4,951,191
A regionally strategic NMR spectrometer with globally unique high pressure and reaction monitoring capabilityAdams, Dr RW 1,698,226
Centre for Biocatalytic Manufacture of New Modalities (CBNM)Turner, Professor NJ 2,198,678
Compositional and Structural Evolution of Plutonium Dioxide: Underpinning Future DecisionsLivens, Professor F 930,945
Computational Studies of Ambient Catalytic Dinitrogen Reduction by Electropositive Metal Tetraphenolate ComplexesKaltsoyannis, Professor N 494,966
Development of a generally applicable catalytic direct amidation reactionBures, Dr J 285,613
Engineering and safeguarding synthetic genomesCai, Professor Y 1,345,616
EPSRC Centre for Doctoral Training in Integrated CatalysisGreaney, Professor M 6,204,161
Future Biomanufacturing Research HubScrutton, Professor NS 10,668,316
HarwellXPS: A National Research Facility in XPSWalton, Dr A S O 384,268
Increasing sustainability at the EPR NRFMcInnes, Professor EJL 340,570
International Centre for Enzyme Design (ICED)Green, Professor AP 1,275,533
Light switchable molecular qugatesBowen, Dr A 1,230,913
Matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization mass spectrometry imaging for advanced chemical and materials analysisLockyer, Professor NP 810,450
Mechanistic Understanding of Capacitive Deionisation (MU-CDI)Dryfe, Professor RAW 417,269
Multiple independent NMR dimensions: smart experiments for complicated problemsNilsson, Professor M 494,713
Quantifying Actinide-Ligand Covalency with Resonant Inelastic X-ray ScatteringBaker, Dr M 402,666
Relaying radicals for catalytic couplings: Catalysis with SmI2Procter, Professor DJ 669,167
sigma-Aromatic Actinide-Actinide Bonding: A New Frontier in f-Block ChemistryLiddle, Professor ST 897,904
Structure-control of valence electron isomerism in the f-blockGoodwin, Dr CAP 582,658
Sulfoxides as substrate activators: New cross-couplings for making materials and medicinesProcter, Professor DJ 730,401
Synthetic biology Pipeline for the Investigation of Novel Spidroins (SPINS)Takano, Professor E 792,367
Tripping the light fantastic: elucidating global protein structural change correlated with chemical change across the femtosecond to second timescaleScrutton, Professor NS 1,419,928
Volatile organic compound sensing in healthcare using optical interrogation of metal-organic frameworksYang, Professor S 427,982

Total Number of Grants: 26
Total Value of Grants: £40,572,986

The grant value may include the cost of access to facilities (these funds are not awarded to the grant holding organisation).