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EPSRC Support by Research Topic in Biological & Medicinal Chem.

We classify grants using one or more research topics. Value is the total value of the grants awarded, not the proportion assigned to different research topics, so it does not show the level of investment in different research areas.

Grant TitlePrincipal
OrganisationDepartmentTotal Grant
Value (£)
A biomimetic macromolecular platform for tissue healing and diagnostics at medical device interfaces: a personalised wound dressing modelSantin, Professor MUniversity of BrightonSch of Applied Sciences (SAS) 2,886,291
A multi-user radiochemical synthesis facility for molecular imaging researchGee, Professor A DKings College LondonImaging & Biomedical Engineering 908,556
A nitrenoid strategy to access sp3-rich nitrogen heterocyclesDavies, Dr PWUniversity of BirminghamSchool of Chemistry 444,751
A Protein Functionalization Platform Based on Selective Modification at Methionine ResiduesGaunt, Professor MUniversity of CambridgeChemistry 1,892,760
A Research Dedicated Mini-Cyclotron for PET Ligand DiscoveryGouverneur, Professor VUniversity of OxfordOxford Chemistry 771,540
A Systems Chemical Biology Paradigm to Accelerate the Discovery of New Medicines for Patients: A Prosperity Partnership for a Healthier NationBoulton, Dr SJThe Francis Crick InstituteResearch 4,379,705
Accelerated Discovery and Development of New Medicines: Prosperity Partnership for a Healthier NationKerr, Professor WJUniversity of StrathclydePure and Applied Chemistry 5,592,739
An Artificial RibosomeTurberfield, Professor AJUniversity of OxfordOxford Physics 664,201
An Artificial RibosomeO'Reilly, Professor RKUniversity of BirminghamSchool of Chemistry 581,943
Autonomous Phenotype-Directed Molecular DiscoveryNelson, Professor ASUniversity of LeedsSch of Chemistry 1,184,398
CageTag: Caged Tharanostics as a Universal Platform for Nuclear MedicineLusby, Professor PJUniversity of EdinburghSch of Chemistry 396,516
CageTag: Caged Theranostics as a Universal Platform for Nuclear MedicineArchibald, Professor SKings College LondonImaging & Biomedical Engineering 234,574
Chemical biology tools for investigating the chemistry of cellular REDOX stressFaulkner, Professor SUniversity of OxfordOxford Chemistry 5,334,387
Development of an Integrated Microfluidic Platform for the Identification of Therapeutic Peptides for Unmet Medical NeedsSpring, Professor DUniversity of CambridgeChemistry 444,689
Development of novel acyclic chelators for gallium-68 and scandium-44 radiometals used in PETArchibald, Professor SKings College LondonImaging & Biomedical Engineering 27,698
Development of novel acyclic chelators for gallium-68 and scandium-44 used in PETStasiuk, Dr GJKings College LondonImaging & Biomedical Engineering 534,369
Digital Design and Manufacture of Amorphous Pharmaceuticals (DDMAP)Florence, Professor AJUniversity of StrathclydeInst of Pharmacy and Biomedical Sci 1,251,700
Engineering Precision Medicine for the 21st CenturyStride, Professor EUniversity of OxfordEngineering Science 4,080,457
Engineering Precision Medicine for the 21st CenturyStride, Professor EUniversity of OxfordEngineering Science 4,080,457
EPSRC Centre for Doctoral Training in Chemical Biology - Innovation for the Life SciencesBarter, Dr LMCImperial College LondonChemistry 6,418,363
EPSRC Centre for Doctoral Training in Chemical Biology: Empowering UK BioTech InnovationBarter, Dr LMCImperial College LondonChemistry 7,617,935
EPSRC Centre for Doctoral Training in Molecular Sciences for MedicineWaring, Professor MNewcastle UniversitySch of Natural & Environmental Sciences 7,557,904
EPSRC Centre for Doctoral Training in Technology Enhanced Chemical SynthesisClayden, Professor JUniversity of BristolChemistry 6,867,342
EPSRC-SFI: Glycoconjugate tools for sensing endoglycosidase activity: a diagnostic sugar probe for heparanaseMiller, Professor GJKeele UniversityFaculty of Natural Sciences 368,582
GlioPrevent: PiezoMagnetic Nanoparticles to Prevent Glioma Invasion in Human Brain OrganoidsRAMACHANDRA KURUP SASIKALA, Dr AUniversity of BradfordFaculty of Life Sciences 161,913
High throughput 2D-IR analysis of biomolecules under physiological conditionsHunt, Professor NTUniversity of YorkChemistry 1,006,129
Investigating biosynthesis of the newly discovered natural product euglenatide and distribution across the breadth of Euglenoid algaeO'Neill, Dr EUniversity of NottinghamSch of Chemistry 157,085
Irreversible Molecular Glues to Activate Anti-Cancer Interactome of 14-3-3sigmaDoveston, Dr RGUniversity of LeicesterChemistry 410,167
Molecular probes to diagnose pathoadapatations in bacterial infectionsMahon, Dr CDurham, University ofChemistry 604,956
Next generation molecular imaging and therapy with radionuclidesBlower, Professor PKings College LondonImaging & Biomedical Engineering 6,437,106
Next-Generation Biomimetic NanomedicinesItzhaki, Professor LUniversity of CambridgePharmacology 475,026
PharmaCrystNet: Improving the Predictive Capabilities of Crystallisation Models in PharmaBrown, Dr CUniversity of StrathclydeInst of Pharmacy and Biomedical Sci 153,338
Prosperity Partnership Call 3 Strategic Students-Eli Lilly and Imperial College LondonAdjiman, Professor CSImperial College LondonChemical Engineering 673,593
Self-Assembled Cryptate Kinase Inhibitors as Anti-Cancer Therapeutic Agents.Rice, Professor CUniversity of HuddersfieldChemistry 481,054
Structure, mechanism and assembly of a nano-scale biological rotary electric motorBerry, Professor RMUniversity of OxfordOxford Physics 2,042,298
Sus-Flow: Accelerating Sustainable Continuous Medicine Manufacture via Photo-, Electro-and Thermo-chemistry with Next-Generation ReactorsGeorge, Professor MUniversity of NottinghamSch of Chemistry 2,071,586
Target-specific machine-learning scoring functions for reliable structure-based virtual screeningBallester, Dr PImperial College LondonBioengineering 620,042
The UK Dynamic Nuclear Polarisation Magic Angle Spinning NMR FacilityGrey, Professor CPUniversity of CambridgeChemistry 247,949
The UK Dynamic Nuclear Polarisation Magic Angle Spinning NMR FacilityKockenberger, Dr WUniversity of NottinghamSch of Physics & Astronomy 1,857,395
The UK Dynamic Nuclear Polarisation Magic Angle Spinning NMR FacilityLee, Dr DUniversity of Manchester, TheChem Eng and Analytical Science 2,881,145
Transforming synthetic drug manufacturing: novel processes, methods and toolsAdjiman, Professor CSImperial College LondonChemical Engineering 4,282,374
Turing AI Fellowship: Machine Learning for Molecular DesignHernandez Lobato, Dr JUniversity of CambridgeEngineering 1,289,791
VIRTACs - Protein Degradation as an Anti-Viral StrategyFrance, Dr D JUniversity of GlasgowSchool of Chemistry 402,635

Total Number of Grants: 43
Total Value of Grants: £90,777,439

The grant value may include the cost of access to facilities (these funds are not awarded to the grant holding organisation).