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EPSRC Support by Research Topic in Algebra & Geometry

We classify grants using one or more research topics. Value is the total value of the grants awarded, not the proportion assigned to different research topics, so it does not show the level of investment in different research areas.

Grant TitlePrincipal
OrganisationDepartmentTotal Grant
Value (£)
3d N=4 TQFT'sDimofte, Professor TUniversity of EdinburghSch of Mathematics 881,245
Abstract rigidity for natural stability problemsNixon, Dr ALancaster UniversityMathematics and Statistics 428,712
Additional Funding for Mathematical Sciences : International Centre for Mathematical SciencesKim, Professor MHeriot-Watt UniversityS of Mathematical and Computer Sciences 5,050,000
Additional Funding for Mathematical Sciences: Isaac Newton Institute for Mathematical SciencesTillmann, Professor UUniversity of CambridgeIsaac Newton Institute (Math Science) 10,000,000
Algorithmic topology in low dimensionsLackenby, Professor MUniversity of OxfordMathematical Institute 1,515,519
Algorithmic, topological and geometric aspects of infinite groups, monoids and inverse semigroupsGray, Dr RDUniversity of East AngliaMathematics 1,199,936
Angular Cherednik Algebras and IntegrabilityFeigin, Professor MUniversity of GlasgowSchool of Mathematics & Statistics 412,154
Application driven Topological Data AnalysisTillmann, Professor UUniversity of OxfordMathematical Institute 2,847,111
Artin groups and diagram algebras via topologyBoyd, Dr RJUniversity of GlasgowSchool of Mathematics & Statistics 251,681
Average-case proximity for integer optimisationAliev, Professor ICardiff UniversitySch of Mathematics 62,529
Balanced Allocation Meets Queueing TheoryOlesker-Taylor, Dr SUniversity of WarwickStatistics 81,870
Beyond Grothendieck's conjecture on Galois groups and arithmetic fundamental groupsSaidi, Professor MUniversity of ExeterMathematical Sciences 370,016
Boundary representations of non-positively curved groupsSpakula, Dr JUniversity of SouthamptonSch of Mathematical Sciences 367,941
Canonical Singularities, Generalized Symmetries, and 5d Superconformal Field TheoriesSchafer-Nameki, Professor SUniversity of OxfordMathematical Institute 1,298,400
Characteristic polynomials for symmetric formsDotto, Dr EUniversity of WarwickMathematics 186,588
Classification of Finite Simple Groups. Groups of even type of medium size.Capdeboscq, Dr IUniversity of WarwickMathematics 352,511
Classifying 4-manifoldsPowell, Dr MUniversity of GlasgowSchool of Mathematics & Statistics 253,330
Classifying spaces, proper actions and stable homotopy theoryPatchkoria, Dr IUniversity of AberdeenMathematical Sciences 298,276
Coarse Geometry of Groups and SpacesHume, Dr DSUniversity of BirminghamSchool of Mathematics 459,237
Cohomological Hall Algebras of Calabi-Yau 3-foldsJoyce, Professor DUniversity of OxfordMathematical Institute 481,802
Cohomology and Actions of GroupsSymonds, Professor PUniversity of Manchester, TheMathematics 415,741
Combinatorial Representation Theory: Discovering the Interfaces of Algebra with Geometry and TopologyBaur, Professor KUniversity of LeedsPure Mathematics 2,554,972
Complete reducibility in algebraic groupsThomas, Dr AUniversity of WarwickMathematics 198,456
Complex dynamics via tropical moduli spacesRamadas, Dr RUniversity of WarwickMathematics 222,999
Complex quantum topologyJordan, Professor DUniversity of EdinburghSch of Mathematics 961,167
Complexity of random substitution tilingsSamuel, Dr TUniversity of BirminghamSchool of Mathematics 81,949
Computable manifoldsDouglas, Dr CUniversity of OxfordMathematical Institute 536,092
Computational topology and geometry for systems biologyHarrington, Professor HUniversity of OxfordMathematical Institute 1,260,450
Computing algebraic invariants of symbolic dynamical systemsYassawi, Dr RQueen Mary University of LondonSch of Mathematical Sciences 216,599
Curve counting via categorificationKoseki, Dr NUniversity of LiverpoolMathematical Sciences 411,743
Derived equivalences and autoequivalences in algebraic geometryBarbacovi, Mr FImperial College LondonMathematics 348,786
DMS-EPSRC Topology of automated motion planningFarber, Professor MQueen Mary University of LondonSch of Mathematical Sciences 368,192
Effective methods in o-minimality and diophantine geometryJones, Dr GUniversity of Manchester, TheMathematics 545,697
Enhancing Representation Theory, Noncommutative Algebra And Geometry Through Moduli, Stability And DeformationsGordon, Professor IUniversity of EdinburghSch of Mathematics 2,716,102
Enriched Categorical LogicTendas, Mr GUniversity of Manchester, TheMathematics 305,460
Enveloping algebras of infinite-dimensional Lie algebrasSierra, Professor SJUniversity of EdinburghSch of Mathematics 555,385
EPSRC Centre for Doctoral Training in Algebra, Geometry and Quantum Fields (AGQ)Brendle, Professor TUniversity of GlasgowSchool of Mathematics & Statistics 9,021,266
EPSRC Centre for Doctoral Training in Geometry and Number Theory at the Interface: London School of Geometry and Number TheorySinger, Professor MUCLMathematics 6,288,690
EPSRC-SFI: "CFT and Gravity: Heavy States and Black Holes"Russo, Dr RQueen Mary University of LondonPhysics 622,797
Exact Results in Aperiodic SystemsFlicker, Dr FUniversity of BristolPhysics 322,942
Exotic Representation TheorySemeraro, Dr JLoughborough UniversityMathematical Sciences 356,861
Explicit Methods for non-holomorphic Hilbert Modular FormsStromberg, Dr F KUniversity of NottinghamSch of Mathematical Sciences 356,966
Extensions of matroid Hodge theoryFink, Dr ARQueen Mary University of LondonSch of Mathematical Sciences 335,497
Fano cone singularities and their linksSuess, Dr HFriedrich Schiller University JenaFaculty of Mathematics and Computer Sci 145,960
Formalising FermatBuzzard, Professor KImperial College LondonMathematics 934,043
Fundamentals and applications of tropical schemesMaclagan, Professor DUniversity of WarwickMathematics 1,231,430
Geometric eigenvalue bounds for the Dirichlet-to-Neumann OperatorHassannezhad, Dr AUniversity of BristolMathematics 273,051
Geometric Flows and the Dynamics of Phase TransitionsNguyen, Dr TQueen Mary University of LondonSch of Mathematical Sciences 413,909
Geometric structures and twisted supersymmetryStrickland-Constable, Dr CUniversity of HertfordshireSchool of Physics, Eng & Computer Scienc 319,529
Geometry as a key to the virosphere: Unmasking the fundamental roles of geometry in virus structure, evolution and pathologyTwarock, Professor RUniversity of YorkMathematics 1,081,232
Geometry from Donaldson-Thomas invariantsBridgeland, Professor TUniversity of SheffieldMathematics and Statistics 615,457
Graph Minor Theory in three dimensions and ConnectivityCarmesin, Dr JUniversity of BirminghamSchool of Mathematics 1,004,277
Group Generation: From Finite To InfiniteHarper, Dr SUniversity of St AndrewsMathematics and Statistics 279,277
High energy spectral and scattering phenomena via microlocal analysisGalkowski, Dr JUCLMathematics 954,337
Homological Algebra of Landau-Ginzburg Mirror SymmetryKelly, Professor TLUniversity of BirminghamSchool of Mathematics 81,982
Hopf-Galois Theory and Skew BracesByott, Professor NUniversity of ExeterMathematical Sciences 368,722
Integral Structures in the Langlands ProgrammeKurinczuk, Dr RUniversity of SheffieldPure Mathematics 739,381
International Centre for Mathematical Sciences 2024Kim, Professor MHeriot-Watt UniversityS of Mathematical and Computer Sciences 3,752,372
Isaac Newton Institute for Mathematical Sciences (INI)Tillmann, Professor UUniversity of CambridgeIsaac Newton Institute (Math Science) 14,739,097
Kähler-Einstein metrics on Fano manifoldsAbban, Dr HUniversity of NottinghamSch of Mathematical Sciences 95,568
Kac-Moody quantum symmetric pairs, KLR algebras and generalized Schur-Weyl dualityPrzezdziecki, Dr TUniversity of EdinburghSch of Mathematics 299,742
Koszul duality and the singularity category for the enhanced group cohomology ringGreenlees, Professor JUniversity of WarwickMathematics 461,981
K-stable Fano 3-foldsCheltsov, Professor IUniversity of EdinburghSch of Mathematics 36,448
K-stable Fano 3-foldsAbban, Dr HUniversity of NottinghamSch of Mathematical Sciences 37,142
Lagrangians from Algebra and CombinatoricsHicks, Dr JUniversity of EdinburghSch of Mathematics 313,067
Local Mirror Symmetry and Five-dimensional Field TheoryClosset, Dr CUniversity of BirminghamSchool of Mathematics 366,143
Local theta correspondence: a new study through the theories of types and l-modular representationsStevens, Professor SUniversity of East AngliaMathematics 417,076
Making Cubature on Wiener Space WorkLitterer, Dr CUniversity of YorkMathematics 105,205
Mathematical Foundations of Intelligence: An "Erlangen Programme" for AIBronstein, Professor MUniversity of OxfordComputer Science 8,567,300
Mellin motives, periods and high energy physicsTapuskovic, Dr MUniversity of OxfordMathematical Institute 317,658
Metrics and Completions of Triangulated CategoriesGratz, Dr S HAarhus UniversityMathematical Sciences 97,161
Minimal Models of FoliationsSpicer, Dr CKings College LondonMathematics 408,751
Minors at largeGeorgakopoulos, Dr AUniversity of WarwickMathematics 70,849
Mirror Symmetry for Cluster VarietiesRietsch, Professor KKings College LondonMathematics 465,294
Mirror symmetry, quantum curves and integrable systemsBrini, Professor AUniversity of SheffieldMathematics and Statistics 833,984
Model theoretic and topos theoretic view of difference algebra and applications to dynamicsTomasic, Dr IQueen Mary University of LondonSch of Mathematical Sciences 473,594
Model theory of analytic functionsMantova, Dr VUniversity of LeedsPure Mathematics 875,396
Model theory of D-large fields and connections to representation theory.Leon Sanchez, Dr OUniversity of Manchester, TheMathematics 351,043
Model Theory, Diophantine Geometry and CombinatoricsEleftheriou, Dr PUniversity of LeedsPure Mathematics 847,541
Model theory, Diophantine geometry, and automorphic functionsAslanyan, Dr VUniversity of Manchester, TheMathematics 886,347
Modular representation theory, Hilbert modular forms and the geometric Breuil-Mézard conjecture.Wiersema, Ms HUniversity of CambridgePure Maths and Mathematical Statistics 305,812
Moments of character sums and of the Riemann zeta function via multiplicative chaosHarper, Dr AJUniversity of WarwickMathematics 174,545
Monoidal bicategories, linear logic and operadsGambino, Dr NUniversity of Manchester, TheMathematics 249,066
Monoidal bicategories, linear logic and operadsFiore, Professor MPUniversity of CambridgeComputer Science and Technology 105,894
New Frontiers in Symplectic TopologyLekili, Dr YImperial College LondonMathematics 854,187
New Frontiers in Symplectic TopologyEvans, Dr JDLancaster UniversityMathematics and Statistics 656,359
Nonlinear critical point theory near singular solutionsSharp, Dr BUniversity of LeedsPure Mathematics 369,185
Optimal Grain Diagrams: Mathematical Analysis and AlgorithmsAlpers, Dr AUniversity of LiverpoolMathematical Sciences 234,024
Overlapping iterated function systems: New approaches and breaking the super-exponential barrierBaker, Dr SPLoughborough UniversityMathematical Sciences 271,715
Permutation groups, totally disconnected locally compact groups, and the local isomorphism relation.Smith, Dr S MUniversity of LincolnSchool of Maths and Physics 442,084
Pointwise Convergence of Multiple Ergodic AveragesKrause, Dr BUniversity of BristolMathematics 278,361
Probabilistic and Topological methods in Real Algebraic Geometry and Computational ComplexityNatarajan, Dr AUniversity of WarwickMathematics 299,943
Promise Constraint Satisfaction Problem: Structure and ComplexityKrokhin, Professor ADurham, University ofComputer Science 1,385,237
Quantum Algorithms for Gravitational Wave Data AnalysisCroke, Dr SUniversity of GlasgowSchool of Physics and Astronomy 937,242
Quantum integrability from set theoretic Yang-Baxter & reflection equationsDoikou, Professor AHeriot-Watt UniversityS of Mathematical and Computer Sciences 428,321
Random Periodicity in Dynamics with UncertaintyZhao, Professor HDurham, University ofMathematical Sciences 817,931
Rank functions on triangulated categories, homotopy theory and representations of finite groupsChuang, Professor JCity, University of LondonSch of Engineering and Mathematical Sci 393,339
Rank functions on triangulated categories, homotopy theory and representations of finite groupsLazarev, Professor ALancaster UniversityMathematics and Statistics 380,778
Reliable and efficient tensor sketching algorithms using structured random matricesNakatsukasa, Professor YUniversity of OxfordMathematical Institute 40,025
Reliable and efficient tensor sketching algorithms using structured random matricesAl Daas, Dr HSTFC Laboratories (Grouped)Scientific Computing Department 33,853
Right Noetherian and coherent monoidsGould, Professor VUniversity of YorkMathematics 385,461
Right Noetherian and coherent monoidsRuskuc, Professor NUniversity of St AndrewsMathematics and Statistics 377,533
Searching for slice-ribbon counterexamplesOwens, Dr BUniversity of GlasgowSchool of Mathematics & Statistics 81,984
Selmer groups, arithmetic statistics, and parity conjectures.Morgan, Dr A JUniversity of GlasgowSchool of Mathematics & Statistics 281,351
Simple-mindedness in triangulated categoriesPauksztello, Dr DLancaster UniversityMathematics and Statistics 344,093
Singularities, symplectic topology and mirror symmetryKeating, Dr AMUniversity of CambridgePure Maths and Mathematical Statistics 722,294
Special Inverse Monoids: Geometry, Structure & AlgorithmsKambites, Professor MUniversity of Manchester, TheMathematics 467,563
Strong subconvexity and an optimal large sieve inequality for PGL(2)Petrow, Dr IUCLMathematics 360,853
Structure-Preserving Integrators for Lévy-Driven Stochastic SystemsWiese, Dr AHeriot-Watt UniversityS of Mathematical and Computer Sciences 70,972
Supersymmetric Gauge Theory and Enumerative GeometryBullimore, Dr MDurham, University ofMathematical Sciences 737,550
Taut foliations, representations, and the computational complexity of knot genusYazdi, Dr MKings College LondonMathematics 224,022
Tensor and wreath products of symmetric groupsBowman-Scargill, Dr CUniversity of YorkMathematics 945,577
The Calabi problem for smooth Fano threefoldsSuess, Dr HFriedrich Schiller University JenaFaculty of Mathematics and Computer Sci 17,272
The Calabi problem for smooth Fano threefoldsKaloghiros, Dr ABrunel University LondonMathematics 217,851
The density of rational points near manifolds and applicationsBeresnevich, Professor VUniversity of YorkMathematics 442,630
The Farey framework for SL2-tilingsShort, Professor IThe Open UniversityFaculty of Sci, Tech, Eng & Maths (STEM) 375,376
The Higman-Thompson groups, their generalisations, and automorphisms of shift spacesOlukoya, Dr FUniversity of St AndrewsMathematics and Statistics 298,344
The Inhomogeneous Duffin-Schaeffer ConjectureBeresnevich, Professor VUniversity of YorkMathematics 80,984
The Lie algebra of derivations of a block of a finite groupLinckelmann, Professor MCity, University of LondonSch of Engineering and Mathematical Sci 358,933
The Moduli Space of Foliated SurfacesCascini, Professor PImperial College LondonMathematics 80,647
Topological Phase Transitions In Stochastic GeometryBobrowski, Dr OQueen Mary University of LondonSch of Mathematical Sciences 396,018
Toric vector bundles: Stability, Cohomology, and Applications.Hering, Dr MUniversity of EdinburghSch of Mathematics 939,180
Towards Directed Model CategoriesKavvos, Dr AUniversity of BristolComputer Science 70,581
Tropical geometry and the moduli space of Prym varietiesLen, Dr YUniversity of St AndrewsMathematics and Statistics 350,667
Turing AI Fellowship: Geometric and Topological ML for Next-generation Drugs and FoodBronstein, Professor MUniversity of OxfordComputer Science 4,227,356

Total Number of Grants: 126
Total Value of Grants: £121,016,625

The grant value may include the cost of access to facilities (these funds are not awarded to the grant holding organisation).