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EPSRC Support by Research Topic in Wind Power

We classify grants using one or more research topics. Value is the total value of the grants awarded, not the proportion assigned to different research topics, so it does not show the level of investment in different research areas.

Grant TitlePrincipal
OrganisationDepartmentTotal Grant
Value (£)
Accurate modelling of wind turbine wake spreading through consideration of realistic turbulent entrainment: revolutionising wind farm optimisationBuxton, Dr OImperial College LondonAeronautics 1,290,141
Applied bifurcation methods for efficient airborne wind energy generationNguyen, Dr DHUniversity of BristolAerospace Engineering 375,614
EPSRC and NERC Centre for Doctoral Training in Offshore Renewable Energy (IDCORE)Ingram, Professor DMUniversity of EdinburghSch of Engineering 6,412,900
EPSRC and NERC Centre for Doctoral Training in Offshore Wind Energy and the EnvironmentDorrell, Professor RUniversity of HullEnergy and Environment Institute 6,057,054
EPSRC Centre for Doctoral Training in Net Zero Maritime Energy SolutionsBridgeman, Professor JUniversity of LiverpoolCivil and Environmental Engineering 4,884,930
EPSRC Centre for Doctoral Training in Offshore Wind Energy Sustainability and ResilienceDorrell, Professor RUniversity of HullEnergy and Environment Institute 6,199,112
EPSRC Centre for Doctoral Training in Renewable Energy Northeast Universities (ReNU)Beattie, Professor NSNorthumbria, University ofFac of Engineering and Environment 5,756,307
EPSRC Centre for Doctoral Training in Wind and Marine Energy Systems and StructuresCarroll, Dr JUniversity of StrathclydeElectronic and Electrical Engineering 6,732,970
EPSRC Industrial Centre for Doctoral Training in Offshore Renewable Energy (IDCORE)Ingram, Professor DMUniversity of EdinburghSch of Engineering 6,236,879
High efficiency reversible solid oxide cells for the integration of offshore renewable energy using hydrogenBrandon, Professor NPImperial College LondonEarth Science and Engineering 723,105
High efficiency reversible solid oxide cells for the integration of offshore renewable energy using hydrogenZhao, Professor XUniversity of WarwickSch of Engineering 289,418
High efficiency reversible solid oxide cells for the integration of offshore renewable energy using hydrogenGreaves, Professor DUniversity of PlymouthSch of Engineering 288,304
High efficiency reversible solid oxide cells for the integration of offshore renewable energy using hydrogenIrvine, Professor JUniversity of St AndrewsChemistry 276,887
Integrated wind-wave control of semi-submersible floating offshore wind turbine platforms (FOWT-Control)Edwards, Professor CUniversity of ExeterEngineering 436,700
Integrated wind-wave control of semi-submersible floating offshore wind turbine platforms (FOWT-Control)Stansby, Professor PKUniversity of Manchester, TheMechanical Aerospace and Civil Eng 391,015
Integrated wind-wave control of semi-submersible floating offshore wind turbine platforms (FOWT-Control)Li, Professor GUniversity of Manchester, TheMechanical Aerospace and Civil Eng 384,522
Integrated wind-wave control of semi-submersible floating offshore wind turbine platforms (FOWT-Control)Greaves, Professor DUniversity of PlymouthSch of Eng, Comp and Math (SECaM) 307,175
Ocean Renewable energy FuelMamlouk, Professor MNewcastle UniversitySch of Engineering 1,186,784
Ocean-Fuel - Ocean Renewable Energy FuelsREBrennan, Professor FPUniversity of StrathclydeNaval Architecture, Ocean & Marine Eng 1,783,051
Ocean-REFuel - Ocean Renewable Energy FuelsShah, Professor NImperial College LondonChemical Engineering 939,297
Ocean-REFuel - Ocean Renewable Energy FuelsGrant, Professor DMUniversity of NottinghamFaculty of Engineering 1,710,223
Ocean-REFuel - Ocean Renewable Energy FuelsValera-Medina, Professor ACardiff UniversitySch of Engineering 1,035,361
Reliability-Oriented Assessment and Design Towards Energy system integration with offshore Renewables (ROADsTER)Shahbazi, Dr MDurham, University ofEngineering 184,582
Supergen ORE Impact Hub 2023Greaves, Professor DUniversity of PlymouthSch of Eng, Comp and Math (SECaM) 7,965,317
Sustainable, Affordable and Viable Compressed Air Energy Storage (SAVE-CAES)Barbour, Dr ELoughborough UniversityWolfson Sch of Mech, Elec & Manufac Eng 1,108,546
UNderwater IntervenTion for offshore renewable Energies (UNITE)Petillot, Professor YHeriot-Watt UniversitySch of Engineering and Physical Science 1,163,524
UNderwater IntervenTion for offshore renewable Energies (UNITE)Petillot, Professor YHeriot-Watt UniversitySch of Engineering and Physical Science 1,163,524
Wind2DC: Medium Voltage DC Power Take Off Technologies for Floating Offshore Wind Turbine Energy Conversion and Collection SystemsMcDonald, Professor AUniversity of EdinburghCollege of Science and Engineering 913,614
WIND2DC: Medium Voltage DC Power Take Off Technologies for Floating Offshore Wind Turbine Energy Conversion and Collection SystemsHorsfall, Professor ABDurham, University ofEngineering 510,454

Total Number of Grants: 29
Total Value of Grants: £66,707,310

The grant value may include the cost of access to facilities (these funds are not awarded to the grant holding organisation).