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EPSRC Support by Research Topic in Physical Organic Chemistry

We classify grants using one or more research topics. Value is the total value of the grants awarded, not the proportion assigned to different research topics, so it does not show the level of investment in different research areas.

Grant TitlePrincipal
OrganisationDepartmentTotal Grant
Value (£)
A bottom-up approach to the rational design of new bioluminescence emittersFielding, Professor HUCLChemistry 1,373,812
A Universal Approach for Solving Real-World Problems Using Quantum Dynamics: Coherent States for Molecular Simulations (COSMOS)Worth, Professor GAUCLChemistry 5,997,341
Accelerated Discovery and Development of New Medicines: Prosperity Partnership for a Healthier NationKerr, Professor WJUniversity of StrathclydePure and Applied Chemistry 5,592,739
An EPSRC National Research Facility to facilitate Data Science in the Physical Sciences: The Physical Sciences Data science Service (PSDS)Coles, Professor SJUniversity of SouthamptonSch of Chemistry 4,186,496
Anti-Kasha Materials: Myth or Photonics ParadigmMeech, Professor SUniversity of East AngliaChemistry 815,901
Atomic and Molecular Endofullerenes: Spins in a boxLevitt, Professor MHUniversity of SouthamptonSch of Chemistry 1,179,731
Attosecond Electronic Dynamics of the Valence States in Matter Measured with XFELsMarangos, Professor JImperial College LondonPhysics 834,036
BasisFlow: Machine learning for tailor made quantum chemistryHill, Dr JUniversity of SheffieldChemistry 327,493
Boron: Beyond the ReagentLloyd-Jones, Professor GUniversity of EdinburghSch of Chemistry 5,012,847
Carbon negative chemicals synthesis directly from the airDuyar, Dr M SUniversity of SurreyChemical Engineering 256,068
Coherent Chemistry: Ultrabroadband Two-dimensional Electronic SpectroscopyMeech, Professor SUniversity of East AngliaChemistry 880,259
Design and green manufacturing of functional nanomaterialsPatwardhan, Professor SVUniversity of SheffieldChemical & Biological Engineering 1,011,132
DigiScale: Digitally driven scale up of chemical processesChamberlain, Dr TWUniversity of LeedsSch of Chemistry 970,893
Electrostatic CatalysisDuarte, Professor FUniversity of OxfordOxford Chemistry 375,976
EPSRC Centre for Doctoral Training in Automated Chemical Synthesis Enabled by Digital Molecular TechnologiesGaunt, Professor MUniversity of CambridgeChemistry 6,483,129
EPSRC-SFI: Cutting Edge Analytical Solutions for Smart, Integrated, Efficient Biopharmaceutical ProductionGoodacre, Professor RUniversity of LiverpoolBiochemistry 441,613
EPSRC-SFI: Cutting Edge Analytical Solutions for Smart, Integrated, Efficient Biopharmaceutical ProductionBurgess, Dr KUniversity of EdinburghSch of Biological Sciences 443,041
Harnessing Electrostatics to Unlock Cage Catalysis: A Combined Experimental Computational ApproachLusby, Professor PJUniversity of EdinburghSch of Chemistry 422,912
Harnessing vibration-induced enhancement of transport in functional materials with soft structural dynamicsSirringhaus, Professor HUniversity of CambridgePhysics 6,846,508
Imaging Chemical Dynamics with Ultrafast Laser SpectroscopyBurt, Dr MUniversity of OxfordOxford Chemistry 1,137,597
Leveraging the synergy between experiment and computation to understand the origins of chalcogen bondingGreenhalgh, Dr MDUniversity of WarwickChemistry 165,617
Prosperity Partnership in Innovative Continuous Manufacturing for Industrial Chemicals (IConIC)Hii, Professor KK(Imperial College LondonChemistry 6,864,992
Redox efficiency: Exploring the role of hydride shifts in organic chemistryDonohoe, Professor TUniversity of OxfordOxford Chemistry 409,089
Resonant Acoustic Mixing facility for sustainable chemical manufacturingFriscic, Professor TUniversity of BirminghamSchool of Chemistry 1,561,052
Spectroscopy of SurvivorsCampbell, Dr EUniversity of EdinburghSch of Chemistry 395,269
Unpicking the influence of structure and solvent on the photochemistry of deprotonated keto acidsVerlet, Professor JRRDurham, University ofChemistry 542,818
Unpicking the influence of structure and solvent on the photochemistry of deprotonated keto acidsCurchod, Dr BUniversity of BristolChemistry 442,721

Total Number of Grants: 27
Total Value of Grants: £54,971,080

The grant value may include the cost of access to facilities (these funds are not awarded to the grant holding organisation).