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EPSRC Support by Research Topic in Biomedical sciences

We classify grants using one or more research topics. Value is the total value of the grants awarded, not the proportion assigned to different research topics, so it does not show the level of investment in different research areas.

Grant TitlePrincipal
OrganisationDepartmentTotal Grant
Value (£)
A multiplexed micro-suction biomarker extraction device to understand atopic eczema in babiesJones, Dr SAKings College LondonPharmaceutical Sciences 1,047,188
A multiplexed micro-suction biomarker extraction device to understand atopic eczema in babiesChen, Professor TUniversity of SurreyChemical Engineering 461,208
Beyond AntibioticsStride, Professor EUniversity of OxfordEngineering Science 6,552,650
BubblEs for TArgeting and TReatment of biOfilm InfectioNs (BETATRON)Evans, Professor SUniversity of LeedsPhysics and Astronomy 979,771
EMBeDs: Ensuring Manufacture of next generation Biopharmaceuticals by DevelopabilityBrockwell, Professor DJUniversity of LeedsSch of Molecular & Cellular Biology 906,993
Metallo-Peptides: Arming Cyclic Peptide Antibiotics with New Weapons to Combat Antimicrobial ResistanceBarry, Dr SKings College LondonChemistry 153,704
Micro-manufacturing of tissue patterned organ-chips for accelerated deployment of new medicines (Patterned OrganChips)Knight, Professor MMQueen Mary University of LondonSchool of Engineering & Materials Scienc 1,826,719
PharmaCrystNet: Improving the Predictive Capabilities of Crystallisation Models in PharmaBrown, Dr CUniversity of StrathclydeInst of Pharmacy and Biomedical Sci 153,338
Scaling-Up plant based Nanocarriers for BIOpharmaceuticals (SUNBIO)Muthana, Dr MUniversity of SheffieldOncology 154,880
The elasticity of male fertility by means of phonon microscopyPerez-Cota, Dr FUniversity of NottinghamFaculty of Engineering 157,913
Transformative Imaging for Quantitative Biology (TIQBio) PartnershipMahajan, Professor SUniversity of SouthamptonSch of Chemistry 1,723,482
UKRI AI Centre for Doctoral Training in Digital HealthcareFaisal, Professor AImperial College LondonComputing 9,286,672
UKRI Centre for Doctoral Training in Biomedical Artificial IntelligenceSimpson, Professor IUniversity of EdinburghSch of Informatics 6,990,454
Wireless communication with cells towards bioelectronic treatments of the futureRawson, Dr FJUniversity of NottinghamSch of Pharmacy 974,695

Total Number of Grants: 14
Total Value of Grants: £31,369,666

The grant value may include the cost of access to facilities (these funds are not awarded to the grant holding organisation).