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Current EPSRC Support by Department

Organisation: University of Leeds
Department: Physics and Astronomy

Grant TitlePrincipal InvestigatorValue (£)
BATNav: Bioinspired Acoustic Tactical NavigationVarcoe, Professor B 1,152,306
BubblEs for TArgeting and TReatment of biOfilm InfectioNs (BETATRON)Evans, Professor S 979,771
Combining Advanced Materials for Interface Engineering (CAMIE)Hickey, Professor B 6,553,083
EPSRC-SFI: Emergent Magnetism and Spin Interactions in Metallo-Molecular InterfacesCespedes, Professor O 648,440
High Resolution Imaging Using Transient BindersHeath, Dr GR 1,219,312
Label-Free Chemical Imaging with High Temporal Resolution for Application in Advanced MaterialsEvans, Professor S 1,698,037
Quantum spin Hall effect spintronicsMarrows, Professor CH 861,847
Rapid, Multiplexed, Testing for Urinary Tract InfectionsEvans, Professor S 1,387,292
Stretching the boundaries; new soft matter systems.Gleeson, Professor H 1,631,505

Total Number of Grants: 9
Total Value of Grants: £16,131,593

The grant value may include the cost of access to facilities (these funds are not awarded to the grant holding organisation).