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EPSRC Support by Research Area (Artificial Intelligence Technologies) in Theme (Digital Economy)

Research areas are used to describe EPSRC's portfolio of excellent long term research and high quality postgraduate training.

Grants are classified using one or more research areas. The number and value of grants listed below reflects how the theme portfolio is described by this research area.

Please note: some research areas will appear under multiple themes. There is no unique, absolute, relationship between a research area and a theme.

Grant TitlePrincipal
OrganisationDepartmentTotal Grant
Value (£)
AI for SoundPlumbley, Professor MUniversity of SurreyVision Speech and Signal Proc CVSSP 2,120,276
AISEC: AI Secure and Explainable by ConstructionAspinall, Professor DUniversity of EdinburghSch of Informatics 670,675
AISEC: AI Secure and Explainable by ConstructionKomendantskaya, Professor EHeriot-Watt UniversityS of Mathematical and Computer Sciences 807,165
CAMERA 2.0Campbell, Professor NDFUniversity of BathComputer Science 3,401,654
CHAI: Cyber Hygiene in AI enabled domestic lifeLoukas, Professor GUniversity of GreenwichComputing & Information Systems, FACH 830,140
CHAI: Cyber Hygiene in AI enabled domestic lifeRoesch, Dr EUniversity of ReadingSch of Psychology and Clinical Lang Sci 373,005
Design Principles and Responsible Innovation for a Sustainable Digital Economy (Paris-DE)Blair, Professor GLancaster UniversityComputing & Communications 895,718
EnnCore: End-to-End Conceptual Guarding of Neural ArchitecturesCordeiro, Dr LCUniversity of Manchester, TheComputer Science 1,721,560
Equally Safe OnlineKonstas, Dr IHeriot-Watt UniversityS of Mathematical and Computer Sciences 839,660
Equally Safe OnlineMcNeill, Dr FUniversity of EdinburghSch of Informatics 177,154
INCLUsive Digital Economy Network+: INCLUDE+Thornham, Dr HUniversity of LeedsSchool of Media & Communication 2,659,374
Intergenerational co-creation of novel technologies to reconnect digitally excluded people with community & cultural landscapes in coastal economiesJones, Professor RUniversity of PlymouthSch of Nursing & Midwifery 1,013,064
Next Stage Digital Economy Centre in the Decentralised Digital Economy (DECaDE)Collomosse, Professor JPUniversity of SurreyVision Speech and Signal Proc CVSSP 3,816,713
RoboTIPS: Developing Responsible Robots for the Digital EconomyJirotka, Professor MUniversity of OxfordComputer Science 1,723,460
SAIS: Secure AI assistantSLomuscio, Professor ARImperial College LondonComputing 396,174
SAIS: Secure AI assistantSSuch, Professor JMKings College LondonInformatics 1,155,316
Securing the Next Billion Consumer Devices on the EdgeHaddadi, Professor HImperial College LondonComputing 1,283,043
Towards an Equitable Social VRGaraj, Professor VBrunel University LondonBrunel Design School 609,658
XR Network+ : Virtual Production in the Digital EconomyMurphy, Professor DUniversity of YorkElectronics 2,659,783

Total Number of Grants: 19
Total Value of Grants: £27,153,591

The grant value may include the cost of access to facilities (these funds are not awarded to the grant holding organisation).