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EPSRC Support by Research Area in Ground Engineering

Research areas are used to describe EPSRC's portfolio of excellent long term research and high quality postgraduate training.

Grants are classified using one or more research areas. All the grants listed below have some relevance to this research area. The value of the investment is the total awarded by EPSRC and does not reflect the proportion assigned to this research area.

We always try to ensure that grants on the web contains the most recent information but it is possible that some might be slightly out of date.

Grant TitlePrincipal
OrganisationDepartmentTotal Grant
Value (£)
An energy free pump: nanoporous gels to passively lift subsurface waterPedrotti, Dr MUniversity of StrathclydeCivil and Environmental Engineering 267,945
ASPIRE - Accelerated Supergene Processes in Repository EngineeringSapsford, Professor DJCardiff UniversitySch of Engineering 592,345
ASPIRE - Accelerated Supergene Processes in Repository EngineeringSinnett, Professor DUniversity of the West of EnglandFaculty of Environment and Technology 159,279
ASPIRE - Accelerated Supergene Processes in Repository EngineeringStewart, Professor DIUniversity of LeedsCivil Engineering 464,057
Braced Excavations: What about the corners?Knappett, Professor JAUniversity of DundeeCivil Engineering 459,722
Braced excavations: what about the corners?Augarde, Professor CDurham, University ofEngineering 470,691
Capture: Regulating CaCO3 polymorphism to unlock the potential of carbonated steel slag as a cement replacementJin, Dr FCardiff UniversitySch of Engineering 159,091
CSIC Innovation and Knowledge Centre Phase 2Sheil, Dr BUniversity of CambridgeEngineering 3,163,720
DarkSeis: Seismic Imaging Of The Urban Subsurface Using Dark FibreChambers, Professor JEBritish Geological SurveyEarth Hazards & Observatories 94,209
DarkSeis: Seismic Imaging Of The Urban Subsurface Using Dark FibreVerdon, Dr JPUniversity of BristolEarth Sciences 803,611
Digital RoadsBrilakis, Professor IUniversity of CambridgeEngineering 2,880,338
EPSRC-FAPESP Efficient ground energy systems for deployment in diaphragm walls under challenging application scenariosLoveridge, Professor FAUniversity of LeedsCivil Engineering 883,824
EPSRC-SFI: ROBOCONE: intelligent robotics for next generation ground investigation and designDiambra, Professor AUniversity of BristolCivil Engineering 1,203,430
Geothermal Energy from Mines and Solar-Geothermal heat (GEMS)van Hunen, Professor JDurham, University ofEarth Sciences 1,421,761
GigaWatt-Hour Subsurface Thermal Energy storAge: Engineered structures and legacy Mine shafts: STEaMShipton, Professor ZKUniversity of StrathclydeCivil and Environmental Engineering 978,270
GigaWatt-Hour Subsurface Thermal Energy storAge: Engineered structures and legacy Mine shafts: STEaMMolnar, Dr IUniversity of EdinburghSch of Geosciences 215,571
ICE-PICK: Installation effects on cyclic axial and lateral performance of displacement piles in chalkCiantia, Dr M OUniversity of DundeeCivil Engineering 310,664
Imaging for Multi-scale Multi-modal and Multi-disciplinary Analysis for EnGineering and Environmental Sustainability (IM3AGES)Dobson, Dr KUniversity of StrathclydeCivil and Environmental Engineering 5,096,879
Incorporating Size Effects into Multiscale Adhesion Modelling of Bitumen-Mineral InterfacesZhang, Dr YAston UniversityCollege of Engineering and Physical Sci 416,228
Influence of Fracture Heterogeneity on Rock Deformation and Failure (INFORM): A Mechanics-based Multi-scale Framework for Radioactive Waste DisposalShang, Dr JUniversity of Manchester, TheMechanical Aerospace and Civil Eng 275,434
In-Procedure Personalized Atrial Digital Twin to Predict Outcome of Atrial Fibrillation AblationAirey, Professor GDUniversity of NottinghamFaculty of Engineering 509,715
Martian Rammed EarthHughes, Dr PNDurham, University ofEngineering 199,354
Mechanochemical processing of silicate rocks for direct carbon capture (MACO2)Lunn, Professor RJUniversity of StrathclydeCivil and Environmental Engineering 1,074,588
Modelling the Mixing and Erosion at the Head of Gravity CurrentsSkevington, Dr EWGUniversity of HullEnergy and Environment Institute 324,697
Offshore Cable Burial: How deep is deep enough?Brown, Professor MJUniversity of DundeeCivil Engineering 390,572
Offshore Cable Burial: How deep is deep enough?Carter, Mr GBritish Geological SurveyEnergy & Marine Geoscience 289,420
Offshore Cable Burial: How deep is deep enough?Coombs, Professor WMDurham, University ofEngineering 464,312
PERMEATION OF POLYMER FLUIDS IN SOILS (POPFS)O'Sullivan, Professor CImperial College LondonCivil & Environmental Engineering 624,245
PERMEATION OF POLYMER FLUIDS IN SOILS (PoPFS)Sheil, Dr BUniversity of CambridgeEngineering 286,155
PERMEATION OF POLYMER FLUIDS IN SOILS (POPFS)MacMinn, Professor CWUniversity of OxfordEngineering Science 282,577
Pervasive Sensing for Buried PipesHoroshenkov, Professor KVUniversity of SheffieldMechanical Engineering 7,290,965
Prevention and Management of Road Surface DamageThom, Dr NHUniversity of NottinghamFaculty of Engineering 385,493
Prevention and Management of Road Surface DamageRahman, Professor MAston UniversityCollege of Engineering and Physical Sci 471,201
RAINDROP: tRansforming Acoustic SensINg for leak detection in trunk mains and water DistRibutiOn PipelinesMuggleton, Dr JUniversity of SouthamptonSch of Engineering 702,768
Reuniting Micro And Macro Mechanics In Sands: A Systematic ApproachBaudet, Professor BAUCLCivil Environmental and Geomatic Eng 666,080
SaFEGround - Sustainable, Flexible and Efficient Ground-source heating and cooling systemsTaborda, Dr DMGImperial College LondonCivil & Environmental Engineering 1,520,505
SOURCE: Improved insitu Stiffness measurements for Offshore foundation design considering Uncertainty, Repeatability and Common sources of ErrorBuckley, Dr RUniversity of GlasgowCollege of Science and Engineering 414,092
Submarine mass movements and their interaction with critical offshore infrastructureLeonardi, Dr AUniversity of SheffieldCivil and Structural Engineering 164,877
Unlocking the potential of biopolymer soil stabilisationSmith, Dr CCUniversity of SheffieldCivil and Structural Engineering 201,197

Total Number of Grants: 39
Total Value of Grants: £36,579,882

The grant value may include the cost of access to facilities (these funds are not awarded to the grant holding organisation).