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Researcher Details
Name: Professor KV Horoshenkov
Organisation: University of Sheffield
Department: Mechanical Engineering
Current EPSRC-Supported Research Topics:
Acoustics Control Engineering
Ground Engineering Instrumentation Eng. & Dev.
Materials testing & eng. Music & Acoustic Technology
RF & Microwave Technology Robotics & Autonomy
Vision & Senses - ICT appl.

Current EPSRC Support
EP/Y034708/1 EPSRC Centre for Doctoral Training in Sustainable Sound Futures(C)
EP/V007866/1 EPSRC UK Acoustics Network Plus(P)
EP/S016813/1 Pervasive Sensing for Buried Pipes(P)
Previous EPSRC Support
EP/S017283/1 Distributed Fibre-optic Cable Sensing for Buried Pipe Infrastructure(C)
EP/R022275/1 Rapid monitoring of river hydrodynamics and morphology using acoustic holography(C)
EP/R005001/1 UK Acoustics Network(P)
EP/R010420/1 UKCRIC: National Water Infrastructure Facility: Distributed Water Infrastructure(C)
EP/P016863/1 UKCRIC: National Water Infrastructure Facility: Distributed Water Infrastructure(C)
EP/N010884/1 Structural Dynamics Laboratory for Verification and Validation (LVV) Across Scales and Environments(C)
EP/N010124/1 TWENTY 65: Tailored Water Solutions for Positive Impact(C)
EP/K004204/1 GLOBAL - Promoting research partnerships in Advanced Materials for Healthcare(C)
EP/I029346/1 Pennine Water Group (PWG); Urban Water Systems for a Changing World(C)
EP/H015469/1 Advanced numerical techniques for characterising obstructions in sewer pipes(P)
EP/G015341/1 Sonic Characterisation of Water Surface Waves, Turbulence, Mixing and Bed Friction in Shallow Water Flows(C)
EP/G005737/1 Sewer Condition and Blockage Detection Classification Using Novel Acoustic Instrumentation(P)
EP/F055986/1 Tranquillity of external spaces / influence of acoustic and visual factors(P)
EP/D058589/1 Sonic Characterisation of Change in Sewer Networks(P)
EP/D031311/1 PLATFORM: Pennine Water Group: Developing Knowledge and Tools for Sustainable Urban Water Services in the 21st Century(C)
GR/R34752/01 Acoustic monitoring of sewer boundary conditions.(P)
Key: (P)=Principal Investigator, (C)=Co-Investigator, (R)=Researcher Co-Investigator