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EPSRC Support by Research Topic in Fusion

We classify grants using one or more research topics. Value is the total value of the grants awarded, not the proportion assigned to different research topics, so it does not show the level of investment in different research areas.

Grant TitlePrincipal
OrganisationDepartmentTotal Grant
Value (£)
Advanced shielding materials to enable compact fusion reactorsHumphry-Baker, Dr SAImperial College LondonMaterials 1,115,686
Building new collaborations to develop highly radiation resistant materials for fusion powerHofmann, Dr FUniversity of OxfordEngineering Science 41,043
EPOC++ a future-proofed kinetic simulation code for plasma physics at exascaleArber, Professor TUniversity of WarwickPhysics 504,511
EPOC++ a future-proofed kinetic simulation code for plasma physics at exascaleWright, Dr SAUniversity of YorkComputer Science 228,071
EPSRC Centre for Doctoral Training in Fusion Energy Science and TechnologyVann, Professor RGUniversity of YorkPhysics 4,593,458
High Temperature Superconductors for Fusion TechnologiesSpeller, Professor SUniversity of OxfordMaterials 1,988,757
Multiscale turbulent dynamics of tokamak plasmasVann, Professor RGUniversity of YorkPhysics 4,349,473
Process design of new reduced activation ferrite martensite (RAFM) steels for nuclear fusion reactorsGong, Dr PUniversity of Manchester, TheMaterials 480,738
Towards compact and efficient nuclear reactorsCoombs, Professor TAUniversity of CambridgeEngineering 1,234,175
Towards compact and efficient nuclear reactorsCoombs, Professor TAUniversity of CambridgeEngineering 1,234,175
UKAEA / EPSRC Fusion Grant 2022/27Chapman, Professor IUK Atomic Energy AuthorityCulham Centre for Fusion Energy 77,400,000

Total Number of Grants: 11
Total Value of Grants: £93,170,086

The grant value may include the cost of access to facilities (these funds are not awarded to the grant holding organisation).