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Current EPSRC Support by Partner

Partner: Imperial College London

Grant TitleHolding OrganisationValue (£)
A new concept for compact radiation shielding: Reactive sintered tungsten borocarbidesUniversity of Warwick 1,118,023
A Universal Approach for Solving Real-World Problems Using Quantum Dynamics: Coherent States for Molecular Simulations (COSMOS)UCL 5,997,341
Advanced Crystal Shape Descriptors for Precision Particulate Design, Characterisation and Processing (Shape4PPD)University of Leeds 968,184
An automated high-throughput robotic platform for accelerated battery and fuels discovery - DIGIBATImperial College London 1,656,452
An energy free pump: nanoporous gels to passively lift subsurface waterUniversity of Strathclyde 267,945
An ExCALIBUR Multigrid Solver Toolbox for ExaHyPEDurham, University of 592,093
Bionics+: User Centred Design and Usability of Bionic DevicesUniversity of Warwick 902,307
Capability for wafer-level sub-nanometre scale imagingUniversity of Southampton 1,633,565
CELLCOMP: Data-driven Mechanistic Modelling of Scalable Cellular Composites for Crash Energy AbsorptionQueen Mary University of London 392,388
ContRol methods for rELiable sensIng informAtion in interConnected Energy systemsUCL 377,537
CORNERSTONE 2.5University of Southampton 1,538,492
CORNERSTONE Photonics Innovation Centre (C-PIC)University of Southampton 11,782,397
Embedding FAIRness in Plasma ScienceUniversity of York 992,754
'EPSRC and SFI Centre for Doctoral Training in Engineered Tissues for Discovery, Industry and MedicineUniversity of Glasgow 7,289,676
EPSRC Centre for Doctoral Training in Quantum EngineeringUniversity of Bristol 6,239,518
Future blood testing for inclusive monitoring and personalised analytics Network+University of Reading 800,898
Green flexible organic photovoltaics for energy-autonomous electronicsImperial College London 378,139
Health Resilience Interactive Technology: transforming self-management for individual and community health via inbodied interaction designUniversity of Southampton 1,585,890
High End Computing Consortium for Wave Structure Interaction HEC WSIUniversity of Plymouth 355,960
Hyperuniform Disordered Metasurfaces for Selective AbsorbersUniversity of Surrey 1,107,217
ICE-PICK: Installation effects on cyclic axial and lateral performance of displacement piles in chalkUniversity of Dundee 310,664
IDEA: Inverse Design of Electrochemical Interfaces with Explainable AIUniversity of Surrey 2,177,756
Layered Materials Research FoundryUniversity of Cambridge 1,871,126
Marine mussel plaque-inspired anchoring systems for offshore floating structuresQueen Mary University of London 201,751
Mastering Ion Transport at the Microscale in Solid Electrolytes for Solid-State BatteriesNewcastle University 347,222
MCSIMus: Monte Carlo Simulation with Inline MultiphysicsUniversity of Cambridge 349,005
National Facility for High Resolution CL Analysis of Photovoltaic and Optoelectronic DevicesLoughborough University 2,668,403
Neurotechnology for Chronic PainUniversity of Oxford 944,612
Parameter identification with optimal experimental design for engineering biologyUniversity of Warwick 163,676
Phase Averaged Deferred Correction for Multi-Timescale SystemsDurham, University of 78,967
Predictive multiscale free energy simulations of hybrid transition metal catalystsSTFC Laboratories (Grouped) 682,674
Process design of new reduced activation ferrite martensite (RAFM) steels for nuclear fusion reactorsUniversity of Manchester, The 480,738
Software Environment for Actionable & VVUQ-evaluated Exascale Applications (SEAVEA)UCL 728,470
SRAS++ single crystal elasticity matrix measurement in polycrystalline materialsUniversity of Nottingham 900,432
Stretching the boundaries; new soft matter systems.University of Leeds 1,631,505
SUPERCAT: Super Catalysts - from CO2 to Net-ZeroUniversity of Surrey 342,888
SuperSTEM: National Research Facility for Advanced Electron MicroscopyUniversity of Leeds 4,023,848
To Chlorinate or Not to ChlorinateUniversity of Sheffield 1,165,060
Towards LED-pumped Masers: a new class of room-temperature masersNorthumbria, University of 398,153
Transforming flexibles for a green packaging futureImperial College London 513,744
Turing AI Fellowship: Advancing Multi-Agent Deep Reinforcement Learning for Sequential Decision Making in Real-World ApplicationsUniversity of Warwick 1,518,509
UK High-End Computing Consortium for X-ray Spectroscopy (HPC-CONEXS)Newcastle University 371,871

Total Number of Grants: 42
Total Value of Grants: £67,847,852

The grant value may include the cost of access to facilities (these funds are not awarded to the grant holding organisation).