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Details of Grant 

EPSRC Reference: EP/M028267/1
Title: Advanced Materials equipment refresh
Principal Investigator: Wilks, Professor S
Other Investigators:
Pleydell-Pearce, Professor C Perkins, Dr KM Lancaster, Professor RJ
Johnston, Professor RE Whittaker, Dr MT Worsley, Professor D
Researcher Co-Investigators:
Project Partners:
Airbus Operations Limited BASF Cardiff University
Carl Zeiss Cogent Power Ltd European Space Agency (International)
HPC Wales Imperial College London National Research Network
NSG Group (UK) R-Tech Services Ltd Rolls-Royce Plc (UK)
Sandvik (Cormant/Steel) Tata Steel Limited TWI Ltd
University of South Wales Vale Europe Ltd Weartech International Ltd
Department: College of Engineering
Organisation: Swansea University
Scheme: Standard Research - NR1
Starts: 01 April 2015 Ends: 31 March 2016 Value (£): 2,524,227
EPSRC Research Topic Classifications:
EPSRC Industrial Sector Classifications:
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Panel History:
Panel DatePanel NameOutcome
22 Jan 2015 Experimental Equipment Call Announced
Summary on Grant Application Form
This proposal to modernise existing equipment and to establish new, leading research facilities in the field of materials characterisation comprises two "bundles" of equipment.

The first comprises a Transmission Electron Microscope (TEM) and an X-Ray Tomographic Microscope. Advanced characterisation is only possible with state-of-the art imaging; this equipment will link engineering at the macro-scale with fundamental scientific discoveries at the nano-scale. There are clear synergies with research being undertaken at the SPECIFIC Innovation and Knowledge Centre, which is backed by £10M funding from EPSRC and Technology Strategy Board/Innovate UK. The proposed equipment underpins an atoms to applications approach to science and engineering and will be housed in a purpose-built scientific imaging facility with bespoke climatic control and vibration free floors. This facility is already under construction and will permit an emphasis on correlative microscopy spanning two, three and four dimensions, combining multiple scales and different forms of advanced microanalysis, to provide new insight and connect cutting-edge imaging and analysis techniques.

The facility's ex- and in-situ mechanical testing and multi-dimension/scale imaging modalities will be a 'beamline-bridge' for advancing lab-based investigations to STFC Diamond Light Source/ISIS, increasing the number and diversity of academic/industrial take-up of central strategic RCUK facilities.

The second bundle is aligned to the Institute of Structural Materials (ISM), which supports a pool of highly experienced post-doctoral research officers and support staff, and significant rolling research funding including the Rolls-Royce/EPSRC Strategic Partnership, which is designed to extend the capability of existing high temperature metallic systems and develop novel alloys for potential use within a twenty-year horizon (the "Vision 20" materials). ISM is globally recognised as a centre of excellence for mechanical characterisation of Structural Materials, and has ~£700k PA rolling EPSRC research funding secured to 2019.

This proposal seeks to refresh experimental equipment which will be housed in a bespoke £14M research and testing building also under construction as part of the University's £450M campus development programme. The equipment to be refreshed includes:

*Test frame for use in corrosion-fatigue environment

*Thermo-mechanical fatigue test facility

*Gleeble thermo-mechanical simulator

*Component lifing under strain control

*High frequency servo-hydraulic test facility

*High temperature vacuum crack propagation facilities

The proposal also seeks funding for a new, desktop tensile testing facility which will provide a bridge between theoretical teaching and full scale mechanical testing.

The proposal benefits from significant additional investment from the Welsh European Funding Office, Welsh Government National Research Networks and Ser Cymru, and Swansea University; support from industrial users; partnership with STFC; an extensive network of academic collaborators, and the infrastructure of the University's new Science and Innovation Campus, scheduled to open in September 2015.

Key Findings
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Potential use in non-academic contexts
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Description This information can now be found on Gateway to Research (GtR) http://gtr.rcuk.ac.uk
Date Materialised
Sectors submitted by the Researcher
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Project URL:  
Further Information:  
Organisation Website: http://www.swan.ac.uk