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Current EPSRC Support by Partner

Partner: Tata Steel Limited

Grant TitleHolding OrganisationValue (£)
A Network for Heating and Cooling Research to Enable a Net-Zero Carbon Future (H+C Zero Network)Durham, University of 1,159,698
Application Targeted and Integrated Photovoltaics - Enhancing UK Capability in SolarSwansea University 5,991,738
Artificial Intelligence X-ray Imaging for Sustainable Metal Manufacturing (AIXISuMM)University of Oxford 791,164
BuildZero: transforming the UK's buildings for zero material extraction, zero carbon and zero wasteUniversity of Sheffield 6,416,474
EPSRC Centre for Doctoral Training in Enhancing Human Interactions and Collaborations with Data and Intelligence Driven SystemsSwansea University 5,293,656
EPSRC Centre for Doctoral Training in Functional Industrial CoatingsSwansea University 4,851,993
EPSRC Centre for Doctoral Training in Resilient Decarbonised Fuel Energy SystemsUniversity of Nottingham 5,771,301
EPSRC Centre for Doctoral Training in Sustainable Materials and Manufacturing (EngD)University of Warwick 3,390,304
H2-Heat: Thermal energy transport for heating and cooling with innovative hydrogen(H2) technologiesLondon South Bank University 995,241
High-temperature Electromagnetic Instrumentation for Metal Production (Hi-TEMP)University of Manchester, The 503,138
Made Smarter Innovation - Materials Made Smarter Research CentreUniversity of Sheffield 4,049,204
REuse of Structural sTeel in cOnstRuction (RESTOR)University of Birmingham 1,323,872
SPECIFIC IKC Phase 2Swansea University 2,997,633
SUSTAIN Manufacturing HubSwansea University 10,852,989
Sustainable Coatings by Rational Design (SusCoRD)University of Manchester, The 2,660,814
Swansea TATA Research and Innovation Prosperity Partnership for Printed Perovskite PV (STRIPS)Swansea University 2,593,380
Thermal Recovery of Functional Coatings (TReFCo)Swansea University 1,005,537
Transforming the Foundation Industries: a Network+ Towards Value by InnovationUniversity of Sheffield 2,259,077
UK Energy Research Centre Phase 4UCL 18,206,734
UK FIRES: Locating Resource Efficiency at the heart of Future Industrial Strategy in the UKUniversity of Cambridge 5,176,328
UKRI Interdisciplinary Centre for CircularMetalBrunel University London 4,437,440

Total Number of Grants: 21
Total Value of Grants: £90,727,714

The grant value may include the cost of access to facilities (these funds are not awarded to the grant holding organisation).