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Current EPSRC Support by Partner

Partner: Dynex Semiconductor (CRRC Times UK)

Grant TitleHolding OrganisationValue (£)
Closed Loop Digitalised Data Analytics and Analysis Platform (DAAP) for Intelligent Design and Manufacturing of Power Electronic ModulesUniversity of Greenwich 321,061
Diamond Devices for extreme applicationsUCL 791,037
EPSRC Centre for Doctoral Training for Sustainable Electric Propulsion (CDT SEP)Newcastle University 5,591,519
High-Bandwidth Sensing for Wide-bandgap Power ConversionUniversity of Bristol 1,150,663
High-Density Active Silicon Carbide Power Electronics: Enabling Responsive Power ConversionUniversity of Bristol 313,954
Monolithic On-chip Integration of Electronics & Photonics Using III-nitrides for TelecomsUniversity of Sheffield 607,797
Monolithic on-chip integration of microscale laser diodes (uLDs) and electronics for micro-displays and visible light communicationsUniversity of Sheffield 1,518,611
Real-time Virtual Prototypes for the Power Electronics Supply ChainUniversity of Nottingham 1,036,590
Van der Waals Ga2O3 functional materials epitaxy: Revolutionary power electronicsUniversity of Bristol 201,458

Total Number of Grants: 9
Total Value of Grants: £11,532,689

The grant value may include the cost of access to facilities (these funds are not awarded to the grant holding organisation).