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Panel Name: NWTF plus Panel 2023
Date of Panel: 16 November 2023
Panel Contact: Simpson, Mike

Panel Rank Ordered List:  Standard

RankGrant ReferencePrincipal InvestigatorHolding OrganisationGrant TitleValue (£)
Page, Professor GJLoughborough UniversityNWTF+ Full Proposal: Experimental Database and Wheel Spray Facility2,386,174
Zhong, Professor SUniversity of Manchester, TheUpgrade for the human-flow interactions tunnel1,750,149
Gillespie, Professor DRHUniversity of OxfordNational Wind Tunnel Facility+ (NWTF+)6,915,246
Morrison, Professor JImperial College LondonNational Wind Tunnel Facility+ Full Proposal: Magnetic Suspension Balance Systems, NWTF Hub & Transformational Equipment3,958,580
Azarpeyvand, Professor MUniversity of BristolSLRI NWTF3,001,253
Cadot, Professor OUniversity of LiverpoolLaminar Flow Tunnel801,695
Ganapathisubramani, Professor BUniversity of SouthamptonFlow Facilities with Refractive Index Matched Solution (FoRMS)2,415,625


  1. To maintain the anonymity of applicants, full details are available only for those proposals that have been funded.
  2. The number shown is the rank assigned by the panel at the meeting.
  3. Where proposals have the same number, these are joint proposals that were considered as a single application.
  4. Proposals showing as 'Decision Awaited' are given a rank 'n/a' until the decision has been made, and then the final rank will appear.
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