Here you can find data on all current grants. You can search by research classification (area and topic), industrial relevance (sector), organisations. This facility also allows for the use of more detailed queries which once displayed, can be 'drilled' through e.g. Organisation listing - Department listing - Grant listing.
Current grants includes announced grants that have not yet started and completed grants where financial reconciliation is still to take place.
Research Areas
Displays research areas and the number & value of grants supported. Select a research area for details of the grants.
Please note: For grants containing elements of research that fall within other Research Council remits, 100% of the grant has been allocated to the most relevant EPSRC research area(s).
This may make the apparent financial contribution of grant to a particular research area quite large. This should be borne in mind when examining grants funded by the Challenge themes of
Digital Economy, Healthcare Technologies and Energy.
Research Topic
Select a topic to display a list of supported grants.
Industrial Sector
Select a sector to display a list of supported grants.
Displays number of grants and values by EPSRC scheme.
Socio-Economic Theme
Select a socio-economic theme to display a list of supported grants.
Displays the number & value of grants relevant to “Capability” and “Challenge” Themes.
Please note: EPSRC research and training support is structured into “Capability” Themes (defined as EPSRC’s support for excellent, long-term disciplinary and
multidisciplinary research, in engineering and the physical sciences) and “Challenge Themes” (which are aimed at solving some of the most serious global,
economic and societal challenges facing the UK).
Choose an area of the UK to see the number and value of grants supported by organisation, and then select an organisation for more detail.
Displays organisations and the number & value of grants supported. Select an organisation for more details by department.
Project Partners
Displays Project Partners to see value of grants supported. Select a Partner for more details.