1. |
| Plumbley, Professor M | Queen Mary University of London | Musical Audio Repurposing using Source Separation | 887,607 |
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| Finlayson, Professor G | University of East Anglia | Colour space homography | 434,816 |
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| Fisher, Professor R | University of Edinburgh | Colour space homography | 44,385 |
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| Potapov, Professor I | University of Liverpool | Reachability problems for words, matrices and maps: Algorithms and Complexity | 453,237 |
4. |
| Wooldridge, Professor M | University of Oxford | Combining Qualitative and Quantitative Reasoning for Logic-based Games | 271,272 |
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| Dyer, Professor ME | University of Leeds | Randomized algorithms for computer networks | 146,167 |
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| Cooper, Professor C | Kings College London | Randomized Algorithms for Computer Networks | 312,174 |
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| Sanguinetti, Professor G | University of Edinburgh | Large scale spatio-temporal point processes: novel machine learning methodologies and application to neural multi-electrode arrays. | 268,625 |
7. |
| Cunningham, Professor J | University of Leeds | TERANET: An EPSRC Network for UK researchers in terahertz science and technology | 215,883 |
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| Doran, Professor NJ | Aston University | Ultimate Passive Optical Network (UPON) | 777,148 |
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| Kwan, Professor RSK | University of Leeds | Train unit scheduling optimisation | 577,062 |
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