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Proposal Processing Panel

Panel Name: EPSRC Mathematical Sciences Prioritisation Panel June 2017
Date of Panel: 07 June 2017
Panel Contact: Davis, Anke

In exceptional circumstances, panel membership may change at a late stage. Such changes may not be reflected in the membership below.
The research organisations listed are current and are not necessarily those that the panel member was affiliated with at the time of the panel.
Under no circumstances should the panel members be contacted to discuss meeting details or outcomes.

All enquiries must be directed to the EPSRC panel contact.

Panel Members:
Yao, Professor QLondon School of Economics & Pol SciPanel Chairperson
Akartunali, Professor KUniversity of Strathclyde 
Andrieu, Professor CUniversity of Bristol 
Betcke, Professor TUniversity College London 
Braden, Professor HUniversity of Edinburgh 
Crooks, Professor ESwansea University 
Harland, Dr D GUniversity of Leeds 
Jensen, Professor OThe University of Manchester 
Johnston, Dr HUniversity of Exeter 
Lacey, Professor AHeriot-Watt University 
Majumdar, Professor AUniversity of Strathclyde 
Parker, Professor CUniversity of Birmingham 
Sahu, Professor SKUniversity of Southampton 
Davis, AnkeEngineering and Physical Sciences Research CouncilPanel Contact

 Outcomes Summary By Number
Funding rates may change over time until all decisions are finalised
Funding Priority ListFundedUnfundedReferred to a later panelDecision still awaitedFunding rate
(% of grant number)
Standard1245140 21
a) Fellowships 0 11 8 0 0
b) Fellowship Extension Call 0 0 4 0 0
c) First Grants 5 13 0 0 27
d) Standard 7 21 2 0 25
Spacer Image7055 Please click on relevant Funding Priority List for a full rank ordered list.

 Outcomes Summary By Value (£)
Funding rates may change over time until all decisions are finalised
Funding Priority ListFundedUnfundedReferred to a later panelDecision still awaitedFunding rate
(% of grant value)
Standard3,225,60713,154,4512,476,4000 19
a) Fellowships 1,310,142 9,083,503 0 0 12
b) Fellowship Extension Call 1,166,258 1,025,154 0 0 53
c) First Grants 501,258 1,274,085 0 0 28
d) Standard 2,724,349 7,494,570 0 0 26
Spacer Image5334 Please click on relevant Funding Priority List for a full rank ordered list.