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Details of Grant 

EPSRC Reference: EP/V011820/1
Title: UKRI Interdisciplinary Circular Economy Centre For Mineral-based Construction Materials
Principal Investigator: Stegemann, Professor JA
Other Investigators:
Domenech, Dr T Varga, Professor LE Black, Professor L
Mankelow, Dr J Graham, Professor E Osmani, Professor M
Calzadilla, Dr A Myers, Dr RJ Glass, Professor J
Vivian, Professor A Drewniok, Dr M P Provis, Professor JL
Bernal Lopez, Professor S Velis, Dr C Borrion, Dr A
Bleischwitz, Professor R Stevens, Professor CJ Kawalek, Professor P
Quinton, Professor J Grubnic, Dr S Iuorio, Dr O
Cavalaro, Professor SHP Brown, Mrs T J Bide, Mr T
Scotford, Professor E
Researcher Co-Investigators:
Project Partners:
540 World LLP AECOM Arup Group Ltd
Askew Soil & Land Ltd BRE Group (Building Res Establishment) Brick Development Association
British Glass British Standards Institution BSI Brunel University London
Buro Happold Bywaters Cambridge CSIC
CIRIA CL:AIRE Construction Products Association
Costain DB Group Environment Agency (Grouped)
Etex Building Performance Limited Expedition Engineering Ltd FORTIS IBA
GCP Applied Technologies Granta Design Ltd Great Ormond Street Hospital
High Speed Two HS2 Limited Highways Agency HLM Architects
Hong Kong Polytechnic University Hoskins Circular Hunan University
LafargeHolcim LafargeHolcim Group (UK) (Aggregate Ind) Mace
Mineral Products Association Network Rail NFDC (Nat Fed Demolition Contractors)
Northumberland County Council Office for National Statistics Shanghai Jiao Tong University
Shire Mineral & Machinery Suppliers Specwall-Alliance Ltd Story Contracting Ltd
The Chartered Institute of Building UK Coll for Res in Infra & Cities UKCRIC UK Quality ASH Association
University of Cambridge University of Naples Federico II University of Otago
University of Surrey Vienna University of Technology Yale University
Department: Civil Environmental and Geomatic Eng
Organisation: UCL
Scheme: Standard Research
Starts: 01 January 2021 Ends: 31 March 2025 Value (£): 4,430,347
EPSRC Research Topic Classifications:
Civil Engineering Materials Construction Ops & Management
Design Engineering Manufact. Business Strategy
EPSRC Industrial Sector Classifications:
Manufacturing Construction
Environment Transport Systems and Vehicles
Related Grants:
Panel History:
Panel DatePanel NameOutcome
06 Sep 2020 UKRI Circular Economy Centres Interview Panel Announced
19 Aug 2020 UKRI Circular Economy Centres Sift Panel Announced
Summary on Grant Application Form
177 million tonnes of virgin aggregates, 15 million tonnes of cement and 2 billion bricks were used to build houses, civic and commercial buildings, roads and railways, etc, in the UK in 2016. Meanwhile, 64 million tonnes of waste arose from construction and demolition. Materials from construction and demolition are mainly managed by down-cycling with loss of the value imparted to them by energy-intensive and polluting manufacturing processes; for example, high value concrete is broken down into low value aggregate. Environmental damage is associated with the whole linear life cycles of mineral-based construction materials, and includes scarring of the landscape and habitat destruction when minerals are extracted from the earth; depletion of mineral and energy resources; and water use and emission of greenhouse gases and other pollutants to air, land and water, during extraction, processing, use and demolition. It is important to take action now, to return materials to the resource loop in a Circular Economy, and reduce the amount of extraction from the earth, as the amount we build increases each year. For example, the UK plans spend £600 billion to build infrastructure in the next decade.

The UKRI National Interdisciplinary Circular Economy Research Centre for Mineral-based Construction Materials therefore aims to do more with less mineral-based construction materials, to reduce costs to industry, reduce waste and pollution, and benefit the natural environment that we depend on. There is potential for mineral-based construction materials to be reused and recycled at higher value, for example, by refurbishing rather than demolishing, or by building using reusable modules that can be taken apart rather than demolished, so all the energy that went into making them isn't wasted. It may also be possible to substitute minerals from natural sources by other types of mineral wastes, such as the 76 million tonnes of waste arising from excavation and quarrying, 14 million tonnes of mineral wastes that come from other industries, or 4 billion tonnes of historical mining wastes. We can also be more frugal in our use of mineral-based construction materials, by designing materials, products and structures to use less primary raw materials, last longer, and be suitable for repurposing rather than demolition, and using new manufacturing techniques.

First, our research will try to better understand how mineral-based construction materials flow through the economy, over all the stages of their life cycle, including extraction, processing, manufacture, and end-of-life. The Centre will work to support the National Materials Database planned by the Office of National Statistics, which will capture how, where and when materials are used and waste arises, so that we have the information to improve this system. We will also study how any changes we might make to practices around minerals use would affect the environment and the economy, such as greenhouse gas emissions, costs to businesses, or jobs. Second, we will work on technical improvements that we can make in design of mineral-based products and structures, and in all the life-cycle stages of mineral-based construction materials. Third, we will look at how changes in current business models and practices could support use of less mineral-based construction materials, such as how they might be able to move more quickly to new technologies, or how they might use digital technologies to keep track of materials. We will explore how the government can support these changes, and how we can provide education so that everyone working in this system understands what they need to do.

In the first 4 years of our Centre, 15 postdoctoral researchers will gain research experience working in the universities for 2y and will then work with an industrial collaborator for a year, to implement the results of their research. More than 20 PhD and 30 MSc students will also be trained in the Centre.
Key Findings
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Potential use in non-academic contexts
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Description This information can now be found on Gateway to Research (GtR) http://gtr.rcuk.ac.uk
Date Materialised
Sectors submitted by the Researcher
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