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Details of Grant 

EPSRC Reference: EP/K011839/1
Title: RCUK CENTRE for ENERGY EPIDEMIOLOGY (CEE): the study of energy demand in a population.
Principal Investigator: Oreszczyn, Professor T
Other Investigators:
Davies, Professor M Girolami, Professor M Lowe, Professor RJ
Strachan, Professor N Owen, Dr G Smith, Dr T
Titheridge, Professor H Marmot, Professor Sir MG Mumovic, Professor D
Heydecker, Professor B Ruyssevelt, Professor PA Shipworth, Professor D
Ekins, Professor P de Cendra de Larragan, Professor F J Hamilton, Professor I
Jones, Professor PM Medda, Dr F Schafer, Professor AW
Hunt of Chesterton, Lord J Smith, Professor FT Hailes, Professor S
Researcher Co-Investigators:
Dr L Chiu Professor P Steadman
Project Partners:
Aedas Arup Group Ltd Cambridge Architectural Research Limited
CIBSE Committee on Climate Change EDF
Energy Saving Trust Ltd (The) Energy Technologies Institute (ETI) FuturICT
Intel Corporation Ltd Johnson Controls National Energy Foundation
National Physical Laboratory NPL PassivSystems Limited Private Address
Technical University of Lisbon UCL University of Ibadan
University of Wollongong Wilmott Dixon Services Ltd
Department: Bartlett Sch of Env, Energy & Resources
Organisation: UCL
Scheme: Standard Research
Starts: 01 May 2013 Ends: 31 October 2018 Value (£): 5,745,855
EPSRC Research Topic Classifications:
Energy Efficiency
EPSRC Industrial Sector Classifications:
Manufacturing Construction
Related Grants:
Panel History:
Panel DatePanel NameOutcome
17 Oct 2012 End Use in Energy Demand (fulls) Announced
Summary on Grant Application Form
We propose an End Use Energy Demand (EUED) Centre focused on Energy Epidemiology to be located at the multidisciplinary UCL Energy Institute (UCL-Energy), which undertakes research on energy demand and energy systems. Energy Epidemiology uses data and modelling to study energy use in the real world, with the aim of understanding the interactions of policy, technology, infrastructure, people and culture. The Centre for Energy Epidemiology (CEE) will: undertake primary data collection; advise on data collection; provide secure and ethical curation of a wealth of administrative, commercial and research data; link, develop and use innovative research methods; and support a structured research programme on energy demand intended to achieve a major reduction in UK carbon emissions. CEE will provide key research and policy insights at city, regional, national and international levels. It will support UK academics, policymakers and industry to research energy demand, by providing a cost-effective, secure and ethical bureau service for energy and related data. It will work closely with the new cross-government Energy Efficiency Deployment Office (EEDO) of DECC, the Energy Saving Trust, UK Energy Research Centre (UKERC) and the new Open Data Institute (ODI) to marshal and maximise the value of existing and very large future sources of energy-related data ('big data'), ensuring the greatest impact for evidence-based energy demand research. The Centre will initiate and be a key player in an international network of energy epidemiologists, sharing research methods and undertaking cross-cultural comparisons of policies and technologies to reduce energy demand and to help the UK to meet its carbon targets.


- has a clear focus on energy demand and its interaction with energy supply systems - this has been the core focus of UCL-Energy since its launch, with full UCL support, 35 months ago.

- is multi- and interdisciplinary with lawyers, economists, social scientists, engineers, physicists, psychologists, architects, mathematicians and policy analysts co-located in open plan offices facilitating collaborative work. It has successfully worked with researchers from anthropology, English literature and history on energy demand problems.

- makes an impact by supporting policy makers and industry to both set and achieve UK carbon targets. Examples of such support include the Green Deal, CCC budgets, smart meter rollout, and the development of products for reducing energy demand. UCL-Energy is the only university centre that has officially advised DECC's new EEDO, whose focus is squarely on EUED.

- undertakes research of the highest quality; its staff were recognised as "world leading" by two successive EPSRC Platform Grant reviews. Roughly half its staff were submitted in the Built Environment UoA (30), for which UCL received the highest percentage (35%) of internationally leading staff (4*) in the UK. It holds the grant for the only Centre for Doctoral Training in energy demand.

- is not sector-specific; it covers all energy uses and applies methods across sectors e.g. transport and buildings.

- is managed as a coherent centre - this is facilitated by placing all staff under a single budget centre with a clear management structure. UCL-Energy is advised and guided by a prestigious International Advisory Board with CEOs and directors from leading companies around the world.

- has leveraged a wide range of funding. From an initial UCL investment of £680k, it has so far raised £10m of external funding, including £2m from industry.

- has strong leadership - its Director, Professor Tadj Oreszczyn has established a new academic department at UCL in less than 3 years, advises government at senior level, is on the boards of key organisations and has written several strategic papers on the future direction of energy demand research.

- has critical mass and sustainability: UCL-Energy has 80 staff and PhD students
Key Findings
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Potential use in non-academic contexts
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Description This information can now be found on Gateway to Research (GtR) http://gtr.rcuk.ac.uk
Date Materialised
Sectors submitted by the Researcher
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