EPSRC Reference: |
EP/E002323/1 |
Title: |
A Centre for Innovative Manufacturing and Construction |
Principal Investigator: |
Dickens, Professor P |
Other Investigators: |
Reed, Mr GM |
Price, Professor A |
Jackson, Professor M |
Harrison, Professor R |
Case, Professor K |
Chung, Professor PWH |
Austin, Professor S |
Backhouse, Professor C |
Parkin, Professor R |
Gibb, Professor A |
Siemieniuch, Professor C |
Jones, Professor R |
Bouchlaghem, Professor D |
Saker, Professor J |
Mitchell, Dr SR |
Soar, Dr RC |
Walsh, Dr K |
Hague, Professor RJ |
Hutt, Dr DA |
Story, Professor VM |
Harland, Professor A |
Thorpe, Professor A |
Sinclair, Mr M |
Porter, Professor JM |
Burns, Professor N |
Carrillo, Professor P |
Conway, Professor P |
Acar, Professor B |
Pasquire, Professor CL |
Young, Professor R |
Williams, Professor D |
Rothberg, Professor SJ |
Anumba, Professor CJ |
West, Professor AA |
Dainty, Professor ARJ |
Rahimifard, Professor S |
Caine, Professor MP |
Richardson, Mr JH |
Palmer, Mr P |
Harding, Professor JA |
Hopkinson, Professor N |
Harris, Professor RA |
Researcher Co-Investigators: |
Project Partners: |
Department: |
Sch of Mechanical and Manufacturing Eng |
Organisation: |
Loughborough University |
Scheme: |
Starts: |
01 October 2006 |
Ends: |
30 September 2011 |
Value (£): |
EPSRC Research Topic Classifications: |
Construction Ops & Management |
Manufact. Business Strategy |
Manufacturing Machine & Plant |
EPSRC Industrial Sector Classifications: |
Aerospace, Defence and Marine |
Construction |
Healthcare |
Retail |
Transport Systems and Vehicles |
Sports and Recreation |
Related Grants: |
Panel History: |
Summary on Grant Application Form |
The Innovative Manufacturing and Construction Research Centre (IMCRC) will undertake a wide variety of work in the Manufacturing, Construction and product design areas. The work will be contained within 5 programmes:1. Transforming Organisations / Providing individuals, organisations, sectors and regions with the dynamic and innovative capability to thrive in a complex and uncertain future2. High Value Assets / Delivering tools, techniques and designs to maximise the through-life value of high capital cost, long life physical assets3. Healthy & Secure Future / Meeting the growing need for products & environments that promote health, safety and security4. Next Generation Technologies / The future materials, processes, production and information systems to deliver products to the customer5. Customised Products / The design and optimisation techniques to deliver customer specific products.Academics within the Loughborough IMCRC have an internationally leading track record in these areas and a history of strong collaborations to gear IMCRC capabilities with the complementary strengths of external groups.Innovative activities are increasingly distributed across the value chain. The impressive scope of the IMCRC helps us mirror this industrial reality, and enhances knowledge transfer. This advantage of the size and diversity of activities within the IMCRC compared with other smaller UK centres gives the Loughborough IMCRC a leading role in this technology and value chain integration area. Loughborough IMCRC as by far the biggest IMRC (in terms of number of academics, researchers and in funding) can take a more holistic approach and has the skills to generate, identify and integrate expertise from elsewhere as required. Therefore, a large proportion of the Centre funding (approximately 50%) will be allocated to Integration projects or Grand Challenges that cover a spectrum of expertise.The Centre covers a wide range of activities from Concept to Creation.The activities of the Centre will take place in collaboration with the world's best researchers in the UK and abroad. The academics within the Centre will be organised into 3 Research Units so that they can be co-ordinated effectively and can cooperate on Programmes.
Key Findings |
This information can now be found on Gateway to Research (GtR) http://gtr.rcuk.ac.uk
Potential use in non-academic contexts |
This information can now be found on Gateway to Research (GtR) http://gtr.rcuk.ac.uk
Impacts |
Description |
This information can now be found on Gateway to Research (GtR) http://gtr.rcuk.ac.uk |
Summary |
Date Materialised |
Sectors submitted by the Researcher |
This information can now be found on Gateway to Research (GtR) http://gtr.rcuk.ac.uk
Project URL: |
Further Information: |
Organisation Website: |
http://www.lboro.ac.uk |