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Details of Grant 

EPSRC Reference: EP/Z533117/1
Title: Net-Zero Enabling Electrical Engineering (N-ZEEE) Network
Principal Investigator: Crabtree, Professor CJ
Other Investigators:
Baker, Dr N Horsfall, Professor AB Judge, Dr P
Researcher Co-Investigators:
Project Partners:
Supergen ORE hub Supernode University of Manchester, The
Department: Engineering
Organisation: Durham, University of
Scheme: Standard Research TFS
Starts: 01 July 2024 Ends: 31 December 2026 Value (£): 392,503
EPSRC Research Topic Classifications:
Power Electronics Power Sys Man, Prot & Control
Sustainable Energy Networks
EPSRC Industrial Sector Classifications:
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Summary on Grant Application Form
Electrical engineering, through power electronics, machines and drives, underpins all renewable electricity generation, conversion and integration. The drive to achieve higher power and higher efficiency, use more sustainable materials, and provide greater control and reliability for next generation renewables relies on rapid step changes in technology for the underlying power electronics, machines, drives and control systems (PEMD). The drive for improved efficiency in industry alongside the increasing electrification of transport and heating and cooling is encouraging the development of PEMD in academia and industry. The UK government and industry are building the skills, knowledge and supply chain to support these sectors, but sustainable renewable generation is making slow progress towards the PEMD technology that is needed to underpin next generation renewables.

N-ZEEE will bring together for the first time the diverse and disparate research activity in emerging electrical engineering for next-generation renewables to form a coherent community of engineers that can empower significant change in the approach to this critical and enabling field. N-ZEEE will be a community of academia, industry, policy makers and wider stakeholders to ensure cross-sector technology transfer in addition to renewables-specific developments that will enable next generation wind, marine, photovoltaic and novel future energy generation and allow the UK to deliver its energy and climate priorities and pioneer underpinning PEMD research.

The N-ZEEE Network will enable the transition to future PEMD generation, conversion and integration technologies by:

1. Building a strong academic and industrial research community focused on delivering next-generation-enabling PEMD technologies by fostering new relationships and building on established relationships to grow an extensive and coherent network of knowledge, research and practice.

2. Providing a network of research excellence in enabling PEMD technology leading to a Supergen Hub of excellence in PEMD whilst enhancing existing and future sector-focused Supergen Hubs. The current hub model has a patchwork of narrowly-focused PEMD research into application-specific technology; instead, N-ZEEE will provide a centre of critical mass that can be tapped into by existing and future sector-specific Hubs.

3. Creating a Network within which cross-cutting themes will strengthen the UK's ability to develop next-generation-enabling PEMD technology for renewable generation, conversion and integration. The Network will nurture the integration of ideas between different PEMD fields (e.g. electric automotive and aviation), creating a community that can make the rapid progress required to achieve net-zero within the critical timescales.

4. Providing support for early career researchers to build solid relationships and develop their networking expertise so that they can drive forward future research in enabling electrical engineering. The early career researchers of today will be supported to become the research leaders of tomorrow.

5. Providing a forum for doctoral students researching PEMD within existing application-focused Centres for Doctoral Training (CDTs) to come together to share ideas and develop their networks in an open and constructive environment (e.g. Aura, IDCORE, Sustainable Electric Propulsion, ReNU).
Key Findings
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Potential use in non-academic contexts
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Description This information can now be found on Gateway to Research (GtR) http://gtr.rcuk.ac.uk
Date Materialised
Sectors submitted by the Researcher
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