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EPSRC Support by Research Topic in Human Communication in ICT

We classify grants using one or more research topics. Value is the total value of the grants awarded, not the proportion assigned to different research topics, so it does not show the level of investment in different research areas.

Grant TitlePrincipal
OrganisationDepartmentTotal Grant
Value (£)
A digital COgnitive architecture to achieve Rapid Task programming and flEXibility in manufacturing robots through human demonstrations (DIGI-CORTEX)Oyekan, Dr JOJUniversity of YorkComputer Science 290,176
AI UK: Creating an International Ecosystem for Responsible AI Research and InnovationRamchurn, Professor SDUniversity of SouthamptonSch of Electronics and Computer Sci 30,711,963
Computational constructivism: The algorithmic basis of discoveryBramley, Dr NRUniversity of EdinburghSch of Philosophy Psychology & Language 649,875
Content Accessibility (CA11y): Highly Individualised Digital Content for Supporting Diverse NeedsNeate, Dr TKings College LondonInformatics 284,160
Decoding Speech using Invasive Brain-Computer Interfaces based on Intracranial Brain Signals (dSPEECH)Zhang, Dr DUniversity of BathElectronic and Electrical Engineering 201,957
DEsign for healthy ageing: a smart system to decrease LONELINESS for older people (DELONELINESS)Liu, Professor WKings College LondonEngineering 968,372
DEsign for healthy aging: a smart system to decrease LONELINESS for older people (DELONELINESS)Shi, Professor YUniversity of LeedsSch of Design 187,381
EnhanceMusic: Machine Learning Challenges to Revolutionise Music Listening for People with Hearing LossCox, Professor TJUniversity of SalfordSch of Science,Engineering & Environment 1,319,161
EPSRC Centre for Doctoral Training in Cyber-physical RiskBorrion, Professor HUCLSecurity and Crime Science 7,996,863
Equally Safe OnlineKonstas, Dr IHeriot-Watt UniversityS of Mathematical and Computer Sciences 839,660
Equally Safe OnlineMcNeill, Dr FUniversity of EdinburghSch of Informatics 177,154
From data and theory to computational models of more effective virtual human gesturesJack, Professor REUniversity of GlasgowCollege of Medical, Veterinary, Life Sci 435,083
Haptic Shared Control Systems And A Neuroergonomic Approach To Measuring System TrustBlundell, Dr JCranfield UniversitySch of Aerospace, Transport & Manufact 138,264
Integrating hospital outpatient letters into the healthcare data spaceNenadic, Professor GUniversity of Manchester, TheComputer Science 767,579
Intergenerational co-creation of novel technologies to reconnect digitally excluded people with community & cultural landscapes in coastal economiesJones, Professor RUniversity of PlymouthSch of Nursing & Midwifery 1,013,064
Mitigating presentation attacks in remote identity proofing (MIMER): Pakistan in FocusZoha, Dr AUniversity of GlasgowSchool of Engineering 176,517
Multimodal Video Search by ExamplesGales, Professor MUniversity of CambridgeEngineering 694,679
Multimodal Video Search by Examples (MVSE)Kittler, Professor JUniversity of SurreyVision Speech and Signal Proc CVSSP 863,565
Multimodal Video Search by Examples (MVSE)Wang, Professor HQueen's University of BelfastSch of Electronics, Elec Eng & Comp Sci 689,253
UKRI Centre for Doctoral Training in Natural Language ProcessingLapata, Professor MUniversity of EdinburghSch of Informatics 7,062,340
UKRI Centre for Doctoral Training in Speech and Language Technologies and their ApplicationsHain, Professor TUniversity of SheffieldComputer Science 5,780,328
UKRI Trustworthy Autonomous Systems Node in TrustRajendran, Professor GHeriot-Watt UniversityS of Mathematical and Computer Sciences 3,056,751
UMPIRE: United Model for the Perception of Interactions in visuoauditory REcognitionDamen, Professor DUniversity of BristolComputer Science 1,001,838

Total Number of Grants: 23
Total Value of Grants: £65,305,982

The grant value may include the cost of access to facilities (these funds are not awarded to the grant holding organisation).