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EPSRC Support by Research Area in Mathematical Physics

Research areas are used to describe EPSRC's portfolio of excellent long term research and high quality postgraduate training.

Grants are classified using one or more research areas. All the grants listed below have some relevance to this research area. The value of the investment is the total awarded by EPSRC and does not reflect the proportion assigned to this research area.

We always try to ensure that grants on the web contains the most recent information but it is possible that some might be slightly out of date.

Grant TitlePrincipal
OrganisationDepartmentTotal Grant
Value (£)
3d N=4 TQFT'sDimofte, Professor TUniversity of EdinburghSch of Mathematics 881,245
Additional Funding for Mathematical Sciences : International Centre for Mathematical SciencesKim, Professor MHeriot-Watt UniversityS of Mathematical and Computer Sciences 5,050,000
Additional Funding for Mathematical Sciences: Isaac Newton Institute for Mathematical SciencesTillmann, Professor UUniversity of CambridgeIsaac Newton Institute (Math Science) 10,000,000
Angular Cherednik Algebras and IntegrabilityFeigin, Professor MUniversity of GlasgowSchool of Mathematics & Statistics 412,154
Billiard Field TheoryDubertrand, Dr RNorthumbria, University ofFac of Engineering and Environment 414,764
Bi-parameter paracontrolled approach to singular stochastic wave equationsOh, Professor TUniversity of EdinburghSch of Mathematics 35,600
Canonical Singularities, Generalized Symmetries, and 5d Superconformal Field TheoriesSchafer-Nameki, Professor SUniversity of OxfordMathematical Institute 1,298,400
Cohomological Hall Algebras of Calabi-Yau 3-foldsJoyce, Professor DUniversity of OxfordMathematical Institute 481,802
Combinatorial Representation Theory: Discovering the Interfaces of Algebra with Geometry and TopologyBaur, Professor KUniversity of LeedsPure Mathematics 2,554,972
Complex quantum topologyJordan, Professor DUniversity of EdinburghSch of Mathematics 961,167
Computable manifoldsDouglas, Dr CUniversity of OxfordMathematical Institute 536,092
Dimers and InteractionChhita, Dr SDurham, University ofMathematical Sciences 770,628
ECCS-EPSRC: Towards Quantum-assisted Reconfigurable Indoor Wireless EnvironmentsGradoni, Dr GUniversity of SurreyInstitute of Communications Systems 357,296
EPSRC Centre for Doctoral Training in Algebra, Geometry and Quantum Fields (AGQ)Brendle, Professor TUniversity of GlasgowSchool of Mathematics & Statistics 9,021,266
EPSRC-SFI: "CFT and Gravity: Heavy States and Black Holes"Russo, Dr RQueen Mary University of LondonPhysics 622,797
EPSRC-SFI: Non-Equilibrium Steady-States of Quantum many-body systems: uncovering universality and thermodynamics (QuamNESS)Clark, Dr SRJUniversity of BristolPhysics 634,206
EPSRC-SFI: Non-Equilibrium Steady-States of Quantum many-body systems: uncovering universality and thermodynamics (QuamNESS)Paternostro, Professor MQueen's University of BelfastSch of Mathematics and Physics 452,495
Fano cone singularities and their linksSuess, Dr HFriedrich Schiller University JenaFaculty of Mathematics and Computer Sci 145,960
Fluctuations and correlations at large scales from emergent hydrodynamics: integrable systems and beyondDoyon, Professor BKings College LondonMathematics 504,946
Generalized symmetry and duality: intertwined through entanglementLootens, Dr LUniversity of CambridgeApplied Maths and Theoretical Physics 410,126
Geometric structures and twisted supersymmetryStrickland-Constable, Dr CUniversity of HertfordshireSchool of Physics, Eng & Computer Scienc 319,529
Geometry from Donaldson-Thomas invariantsBridgeland, Professor TUniversity of SheffieldMathematics and Statistics 615,457
High energy spectral and scattering phenomena via microlocal analysisGalkowski, Dr JUCLMathematics 954,337
International Centre for Mathematical Sciences 2024Kim, Professor MHeriot-Watt UniversityS of Mathematical and Computer Sciences 3,752,372
Isaac Newton Institute for Mathematical Sciences (INI)Tillmann, Professor UUniversity of CambridgeIsaac Newton Institute (Math Science) 14,739,097
Lagrangian Multiforms for Symmetries and Integrability: Classification, Geometry, and ApplicationsVermeeren, Dr MLoughborough UniversityMathematical Sciences 911,931
Local Mirror Symmetry and Five-dimensional Field TheoryClosset, Dr CUniversity of BirminghamSchool of Mathematics 366,143
Mellin motives, periods and high energy physicsTapuskovic, Dr MUniversity of OxfordMathematical Institute 317,658
Mirror symmetry, quantum curves and integrable systemsBrini, Professor AUniversity of SheffieldMathematics and Statistics 833,984
OpenMAPP: open meta-analysis in particle physicsBuckley, Professor AUniversity of GlasgowSchool of Physics and Astronomy 119,263
PT symmetric field theorySarkar, Professor SKings College LondonPhysics 477,769
Quantitative tools for upscaling the micro-geometry of resonant mediaCherednichenko, Professor KUniversity of BathMathematical Sciences 314,865
Quantum integrability from set theoretic Yang-Baxter & reflection equationsDoikou, Professor AHeriot-Watt UniversityS of Mathematical and Computer Sciences 428,321
Random-field effects in spin models: Supersymmetry, criticality, and universalityFytas, Dr NUniversity of EssexMathematical Sciences 306,207
Reproducible analysis frameworks in Lattice Field Theory and STFC-enabled computational research in WalesBennett, Dr ESwansea UniversityCollege of Science 613,610
Resurgence and parametric asymptotics: exact results at all scalesVarela Aniceto, Dr IUniversity of SouthamptonSch of Mathematical Sciences 426,226
Rigidity Problems in Holography and RelativityShao, Dr C AQueen Mary University of LondonSch of Mathematical Sciences 77,733
Robotic picking and packing with physical reasoningDogar, Dr MRUniversity of LeedsSch of Computing 1,196,801
Semiclassical gravity: conceptual and mathematical foundationsJuárez Aubry, Dr BUniversity of YorkMathematics 850,510
Singular and Oscillatory Quadrature on Non-Smooth DomainsHewett, Dr DUCLMathematics 373,085
Skyrmion lattices in chiral ferromagnetsSpeight, Professor JMUniversity of LeedsPure Mathematics 74,416
Spectral statistics for random hyperbolic surfacesMarklof, Professor JUniversity of BristolMathematics 360,754
Statistical theory of controlled quantum dynamicsGuta, Dr MIUniversity of NottinghamSch of Mathematical Sciences 353,208
Supersymmetric Gauge Theory and Enumerative GeometryBullimore, Dr MDurham, University ofMathematical Sciences 737,550
Symmetry and measurement: a foundation for semi-local quantum physicsRejzner, Dr KUniversity of YorkMathematics 469,165
The fixed point of the KPZ universalityZygouras, Professor NUniversity of WarwickMathematics 80,580
Toeplitz operators and their connectionsVirtanen, Professor JUniversity of ReadingMathematics and Statistics 370,510
Two-dimensional stochastic Yang-Mills equationsChevyrev, Dr IAUniversity of EdinburghSch of Mathematics 307,181
Understanding spectral statistics and dynamics in strongly-interacting quantum many-body systemsChan, Dr A HLancaster UniversityPhysics 1,371,862

Total Number of Grants: 49
Total Value of Grants: £67,666,043

The grant value may include the cost of access to facilities (these funds are not awarded to the grant holding organisation).