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Researcher Details
Name: Professor SN McIntosh-Smith
Organisation: University of Bristol
Department: Computer Science
Current EPSRC-Supported Research Topics:
Aerodynamics Computer Sys. & Architecture
Continuum Mechanics Fluid Dynamics
High Performance Computing New & Emerging Comp. Paradigms

Current EPSRC Support
EP/Z002672/1 ExCALIBUR HES VAST Storage Interoperability With High Performance Networks/Evaluating Prerequisites for Stable Performant Exascale Ecosystem Workflows(C)
EP/X039137/1 The GW4 Isambard Tier-2 service for advanced computer architectures(P)
EP/T026170/1 CCP Turbulence(C)
EP/S005072/1 Strategic Partnership in Computational Science for Advanced Simulation and Modelling of Engineering Systems - ASiMoV(C)
Previous EPSRC Support
EP/W03218X/1 Isambard 2 expansion to add new testbeds and expand user base(P)
EP/V000942/1 Turbulent Flow Simulations at the Exascale: Application to Wind Energy and Green Aviation(C)
EP/V001531/1 Exascale Computing for System-Level Engineering: Design, Optimisation and Resilience(C)
EP/T022078/1 GW4 Tier-2 HPC Centre for Advanced Architectures(P)
EP/P020267/1 EPCC Tier 2 HPC Service(C)
EP/P020259/1 Peta-5: A National Facility for Petascale Data Intensive Computation and Analytics(C)
EP/P020275/1 JADE: Joint Academic Data science Endeavour(C)
EP/P020224/1 GW4 Tier 2 HPC Centre for Advanced Architectures(P)
EP/N002539/1 ENergy Efficient Adaptive Computing with multi-grain heterogeneous architectures (ENEAC)(C)
EP/L015730/1 EPSRC Centre for Doctoral Training in Quantum Engineering(C)
EP/L019434/1 Centre for Innovation - SME Engagement Springboard(C)
EP/L00321X/1 Energy Proportional Computing With Heterogeneous and Reconfigurable Processors (ENPOWER)(C)
EP/K038486/1 Future-proof massively-parallel execution of multi-block applications(P)
EP/K000144/1 e-Infrastructure South Consortium - Centre for Innovation(C)
EP/K000136/1 e-Infrastructure South Consortium - Centre for Innovation(C)
EP/I030395/1 Adaptive Multi-Resolution Massively-Multicore Hybrid Dynamics(C)
EP/J500008/1 HPC Short Courses - a coordinated response for training the UK's next generation of HPC users(C)
Key: (P)=Principal Investigator, (C)=Co-Investigator, (R)=Researcher Co-Investigator