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Researcher Details
Name: Dr C Edwards
Organisation: Lancaster University
Department: Computing & Communications
Current EPSRC-Supported Research Topics:

Current EPSRC Support
There is no current EPSRC Support
Previous EPSRC Support
EP/M507891/1 DTP - Lancaster University(P)
EP/N509231/1 Industrial CASE Account - Lancaster University 2015(P)
EP/M506369/1 DTA - Lancaster University(P)
EP/M507441/1 Industrial CASE Account - Lancaster University 2014(P)
EP/L504804/1 DTA - Lancaster University(P)
EP/L505493/1 Industrial CASE Account - Lancaster University 2013(P)
EP/K50287X/1 DTA - Lancaster University(P)
EP/K504439/1 Industrial CASE Account - Lancaster University 2012(P)
EP/J00068X/1 TRUMP: A Trusted Mobile Platform for the Self-Management of Chronic Illness in Rural Areas(C)
EP/J500264/1 DTA - Lancaster University(P)
EP/J502030/1 Industrial CASE Account - Lancaster University 2011(P)
EP/I501487/1 Industrial CASE Account - Lancaster 2010(P)
EP/P505585/1 DTA - Lancaster University(P)
EP/P505194/1 DTA - Lancaster University(P)
EP/P505232/1 IDS - Lancaster University(P)
EP/H501347/1 Industrial CASE Account - Lancaster 2009(P)
GR/T04465/01 ESLEA - Exploitation of Switched Lightpaths for Escience Applications(C)
GR/R84290/01 A collaborative project to demonstrate end-to-end traffic management services and high performance data transport applications required for Grid Opera(C)
Key: (P)=Principal Investigator, (C)=Co-Investigator, (R)=Researcher Co-Investigator