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Researcher Details
Name: Professor E Lester
Organisation: University of Nottingham
Department: Faculty of Engineering
Current EPSRC-Supported Research Topics:
Catalysis & Applied Catalysis Catalysis & enzymology
Chemical Biology Chemical Synthetic Methodology

Current EPSRC Support
EP/Y035402/1 EPSRC Centre for Doctoral Training in Resilient Chemistry: Feedstock to Function (CDT-F2F)(C)
EP/S022236/1 EPSRC and SFI Centre for Doctoral Training in Sustainable Chemistry: Atoms-2-Products an Integrated Approach to Sustainable Chemistry(C)
Previous EPSRC Support
EP/S03661X/1 Intelligent Structures for Low Noise Environments(C)
EP/R032807/1 Cognitive Chemical Manufacturing(C)
EP/J017272/1 Integrated Molecular Design of Melt-processable Bioresorbable Engineering Nanocomposites for Healthcare (BENcH)(C)
EP/I020691/1 Multi-disciplinary Centre for In-situ Processing Studies (CIPS)(C)
EP/F060882/1 Optimisation of Biomass/Coal Co-Firing Processes through Integrated Measurement and Computational Modelling(P)
EP/D500982/1 Discipline Hopping - Catalytic Organic Synthesis in Sub-, Near- and Super-critical Water(P)
EP/D012996/1 The production of continuous and controlled super-critical water using microwaves(P)
GR/S25227/01 Supercritical CO2: A Cleaner, Safer Approach to Oxidation of Organic Compounds(C)
GR/R62854/01 JREI: Thermal Analysis Equipment to Underpin the Fuel Technology Programme Encompassing Clean Coal Research(C)
GR/R29055/01 Mesoporous Molecular Sieves and Immobilized Catalysts For Supercritical Fluids(C)
GR/R02788/01 The Link Between Coalbed Methane Sorption & Microlithotype Structure(P)
Key: (P)=Principal Investigator, (C)=Co-Investigator, (R)=Researcher Co-Investigator