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Researcher Details
Name: Professor D Simeonidou
Organisation: University of Bristol
Department: Electrical and Electronic Engineering
Current EPSRC-Supported Research Topics:
Digital Signal Processing Networks & Distributed Systems
Optical Communications RF & Microwave Technology

Current EPSRC Support
EP/X04047X/2 Platform Driving The Ultimate Connectivity(C)
EP/Y037243/1 TITAN Extension(C)
EP/Y036514/1 Joint Open Infrastructure for Networks Research (JOINER)(P)
EP/Y037197/1 Future communications hub in all-spectrum connectivity: additional funds(C)
EP/X040569/1 Future communications hub in all-spectrum connectivity(C)
EP/T001011/1 The EPSRC Quantum Communications Hub(C)
EP/S028854/1 National Dark Fibre Facility(C)
Previous EPSRC Support
EP/X04047X/1 Platform Driving The Ultimate Connectivity(C)
EP/X034879/1 National Dark Fibre Facility- Equipment Enhancement(C)
EP/V035487/1 National Dark Fibre Facility- Equipment Enhancement(C)
EP/R029393/1 Materials and Devices for Next Generation Internet (MANGI)(C)
EP/P003974/1 The UK Programmable Fixed and Mobile Internet Infrastructure (INITIATE)(P)
EP/L026155/2 INSIGHT: Introducing Insight into the Abstraction of Optical Network Infrastructures(C)
EP/L016656/1 EPSRC Centre for Doctoral Training in Future Communications 2: : Training Tomorrow's Internet Innovators(C)
EP/N007824/1 UK Research Strategy Community Organisation in Communications, Mobile Computing and Networking within the EPSRC ICT Portfolio (CommNet II)(C)
EP/L026155/1 INSIGHT: Introducing Insight into the Abstraction of Optical Network Infrastructures(C)
EP/L026120/1 KCN: Knowledge Centric Networking(C)
EP/M013472/1 UK Quantum Technology Hub for Quantum Communications Technologies(C)
EP/L020009/1 Towards Ultimate Convergence of All Networks (TOUCAN)(P)
EP/J005371/2 UK Photonic Systems Outreach Network(P)
EP/J005371/1 UK Photonic Systems Outreach Network(P)
EP/I01196X/1 Transforming the Internet Infrastructure: The Photonic HyperHighway(C)
EP/E04610X/1 Future Photonic Networks(P)
EP/E002382/1 HIPNet / Heterogeneous IP Networks(C)
GR/S82695/01 PLATFORM: Next Generation Photonic Networks(C)
GR/R85198/01 optical packet switching over wavelength routed optical networks (oporon(P)
GR/R33410/01 Optical Packet Switched Networks (OPSNET)(C)
GR/R40043/01 Optical Packet Switching for IP Networking (OPSIP)(P)
GR/R05512/01 High Capacity Optical Transmission and Routing For the Next Generation of Photonic Networks(C)
Key: (P)=Principal Investigator, (C)=Co-Investigator, (R)=Researcher Co-Investigator