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Researcher Details
Name: Professor M Davies
Organisation: University of Edinburgh
Department: Sch of Engineering
Current EPSRC-Supported Research Topics:
Artificial Intelligence Manufacturing Machine & Plant
Robotics & Autonomy Software Engineering

Current EPSRC Support
EP/Y035674/1 EPSRC and MOD Centre for Doctoral Training in Sensing, Processing, and AI for Defence and Security (SPADS)(C)
EP/X025365/1 Smart Products Made Smarter(C)
Previous EPSRC Support
EP/S000631/1 Signal Procssing in the Information Age(P)
EP/M008916/1 Compressive Imaging for Radio Interferometry(P)
EP/M019802/1 Compressed Quantitative MRI(P)
EP/K014277/1 Signal Processing 4 the Networked Battlespace(P)
EP/K032275/1 EPFL Research Visit(P)
EP/J015180/1 Sensor Signal Processing(C)
EP/H012370/1 SAR processing with zeros(P)
EP/H012397/1 Source Separation for Electronic Surveillance(P)
EP/F039697/1 Extensions to compressed sensing theory with application to dynamic MRI(P)
EP/D000246/2 Sparse Representations for Signal Processing and Coding(P)
EP/D000246/1 Sparse Representations for Signal Processing and Coding(P)
EP/C005554/1 NETWORK: Blind Source Separation and Independent Component Analysis Network(C)
GR/S75802/01 Object-based Coding of Musical Audio(C)
GR/S84743/01 Hierarchical Segmentation & Semantic Markup of Musical Signals(C)
GR/S85900/01 Advanced Subband Systems for Audio Source Separation(C)
GR/R64810/01 NETWORK: Music Processing Network (MuProNet)(C)
GR/R54620/01 Automatic Polyphonic Music Transcription Using Multiple Cause Models and Independant Component Analysis.(C)
Key: (P)=Principal Investigator, (C)=Co-Investigator, (R)=Researcher Co-Investigator