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Researcher Details
Name: Professor JR Varcoe
Organisation: University of Surrey
Department: Chemistry
Current EPSRC-Supported Research Topics:

Current EPSRC Support
There is no current EPSRC Support
Previous EPSRC Support
EP/T009233/1 Next generation anion-exchange membranes (AEM) with covalently-bound antiradical functions for enhanced durability(P)
EP/R044163/1 REDAEM: Anion-Exchange Membranes for Reverse Electrodialysis(P)
EP/M022749/1 High Spec Raman Spectrometer Regional Facility(C)
EP/M005933/1 Temperature and Alkali Stable Polymer Electrolytes for Hydrogen and Carbon Dioxide Alkaline Electrolysers(P)
EP/I004882/1 Multidisciplinary research into linking renewable energy with utilising atmospheric carbon dioxide and with water desalination(P)
EP/H025340/1 Mixed cation- and anion-exchange hybrid membranes for use in fuel cells, redox flow batteries and electrodialysis cells(P)
EP/H019480/1 The Supergen Biological Fuel Cells Consortium 2010-2014 (CORE)(C)
EP/G009929/2 Nanoparticulate mixed metal oxides as electrode materials for Alkaline Polymer Electrolyte Membrane Fuel Cells (APEMFCs)(C)
EP/F027524/1 Alkaline Polymer Electrolyte Fuel Cells(P)
EP/G009929/1 Nanoparticulate mixed metal oxides as electrode materials for Alkaline Polymer Electrolyte Membrane Fuel Cells (APEMFCs)(C)
EP/D03891X/1 Membrane and Alcohol Fuel Cell INTERACT with China(R)
GR/S60709/01 MEA development for DMFCS with radiation-grafted alkaline membranes(R)
Key: (P)=Principal Investigator, (C)=Co-Investigator, (R)=Researcher Co-Investigator