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Researcher Details
Name: Professor M Sellathurai
Organisation: Heriot-Watt University
Department: Sch of Engineering and Physical Science
Current EPSRC-Supported Research Topics:
Biomechanics & Rehabilitation Cognitive Science Appl. in ICT
Med.Instrument.Device& Equip. Networks & Distributed Systems
RF & Microwave Technology

Current EPSRC Support
EP/X04047X/2 Platform Driving The Ultimate Connectivity(C)
EP/Y037243/1 TITAN Extension(C)
EP/T021063/1 COG-MHEAR: Towards cognitively-inspired 5G-IoT enabled, multi-modal Hearing Aids(C)
Previous EPSRC Support
EP/X04047X/1 Platform Driving The Ultimate Connectivity(C)
EP/S000631/1 Signal Procssing in the Information Age(C)
EP/P009670/1 A Unified Multiple Access Framework for Next Generation Mobile Networks By Removing Orthogonality (MANGO)(P)
EP/M014126/1 Large Scale Antenna Systems Made Practical: Advanced Signal Processing for Compact Deployments [LSAS-SP](P)
EP/I037156/1 A Systematic Study of Physical Layer Network Coding: From Information-theoretic Understanding to Practical DSP Algorithm Design(C)
EP/H012257/1 Signal Processing Techniques to Reduce the Clutter Competition in Forward Looking Radar(P)
EP/G026092/1 Bridging the Gap between Design and Implementation of Soft-Detectors for Turbo-MIMO Wireless Systems(C)
EP/D07827X/1 Advanced signal processing techniques for multi-user multiple-input multiple-output broadband wireless communications.(P)
Key: (P)=Principal Investigator, (C)=Co-Investigator, (R)=Researcher Co-Investigator