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Researcher Details
Name: Professor DJ Wallis
Organisation: Cardiff University
Department: Sch of Engineering
Current EPSRC-Supported Research Topics:
Electric Motor & Drive Systems Electronic Devices & Subsys.
Manufacturing Machine & Plant Materials Characterisation
Optical Communications Optical Devices & Subsystems
Optoelect. Devices & Circuits Quantum Optics & Information
RF & Microwave Technology

Current EPSRC Support
EP/X035360/1 Ultrawide Bandgap AlGaN Power Electronics - Transforming Solid-State Circuit Breakers (ULTRAlGaN)(C)
EP/Y004213/1 Segregation of alloy and dopant atoms at defects in nitride materials(C)
EP/W035871/1 Fast Switching zincblende-GaN LEDs(P)
EP/W03557X/1 Fast Switching Zincblende GaN LEDs(C)
EP/P006973/1 Future Compound Semiconductor Manufacturing Hub(C)
Previous EPSRC Support
EP/S01005X/1 Non-linear (large signal) Millimetre-wave Devices, Circuits and Systems On-Wafer Characterization Facility(C)
EP/R03480X/1 'Hetero-print': A holistic approach to transfer-printing for heterogeneous integration in manufacturing(C)
EP/R01146X/1 Fundamental studies of zincblende nitride structures for optoelectronic applications(P)
EP/N01202X/2 EPSRC Manufacturing Fellowship in Gallium Nitride(P)
EP/P03036X/1 Vertical cubic GaN LEDs on 150mm 3C-SiC substrates(P)
EP/P00945X/1 Integrated GaN-Diamond Microwave Electronics: From Materials, Transistors to MMICs(C)
EP/N017927/1 Integration of RF Circuits with High Speed GaN Switching on Silicon Substrates(R)
EP/N01202X/1 EPSRC Manufacturing Fellowship in Gallium Nitride(P)
Key: (P)=Principal Investigator, (C)=Co-Investigator, (R)=Researcher Co-Investigator