Name: |
Professor A J Daley |
Organisation: |
University of Oxford |
Department: |
Oxford Physics |
Current EPSRC-Supported Research
Topics: |
Cold Atomic Species
New & Emerging Comp. Paradigms
Current EPSRC Support |
EP/Y01510X/1 | Quantum Advantage in Quantitative Quantum Simulation | (P) |
EP/Z53318X/1 | Hub for Quantum Computing via Integrated and Interconnected Implementations (QCI3) | (C) |
EP/Y005058/2 | Adiabatic and dynamical algorithms for quantum hardware | (P) |
EP/X025055/1 | Quantum Error Correction in a dual-species Rydberg array (QuERy) | (C) |
EP/T005386/1 | Scalable Qubit Arrays for Quantum Computing and Optimisation | (C) |
EP/T001062/1 | EPSRC Hub in Quantum Computing and Simulation | (C) |
Previous EPSRC Support |
EP/Y005058/1 | Adiabatic and dynamical algorithms for quantum hardware | (P) |
EP/W026961/1 | International Quantum Tensor Network | (P) |
EP/P009565/1 | Designing Out-of-Equilibrium Many-Body Quantum Systems | (P) |
EP/M024180/1 | SUSSP71 - Frontiers in Quantum Dynamics and Quantum Optics | (C) |
Key: (P)=Principal Investigator, (C)=Co-Investigator, (R)=Researcher Co-Investigator