Name: |
Professor A Leonardis |
Organisation: |
University of Birmingham |
Department: |
School of Computer Science |
Current EPSRC-Supported Research
Topics: |
Current EPSRC Support |
There is no current EPSRC Support |
Previous EPSRC Support |
EP/S032487/1 | BURG: Benchmarks for UndeRstanding Grasping | (P) |
EP/R02572X/1 | National Centre for Nuclear Robotics (NCNR) | (C) |
EP/P01366X/1 | Robotics for Nuclear Environments | (C) |
EP/P017487/1 | Robust remote sensing for multi-modal characterisation in nuclear and other extreme environments | (C) |
EP/N019415/1 | Understanding scenes and events through joint parsing, cognitive reasoning and lifelong learning | (P) |
EP/M026477/1 | Robotic systems for retrieval of contaminated material from hazardous zones | (C) |
Key: (P)=Principal Investigator, (C)=Co-Investigator, (R)=Researcher Co-Investigator