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Researcher Details
Name: Professor DR Parsons
Organisation: Loughborough University
Department: Vice Chancellor's Office
Current EPSRC-Supported Research Topics:
Energy - Marine & Hydropower Wind Power

Current EPSRC Support
EP/X525595/1 EPSRC Impact Acceleration Account - Loughborough University 2022(P)
EP/V040561/1 Novel High Performance Wave Energy Converters with advanced control, reliability and survivability systems through machine-learning forecasting(C)
EP/S023763/1 EPSRC and NERC Centre for Doctoral Training in Offshore Wind Energy and the Environment(C)
Previous EPSRC Support
EP/X035433/1 EPSRC Capital Award for Core Equipment 2022/23 - UnMet Demand(P)
EP/V518487/1 NPIF EPSRC CDT 2018 equipment funding University of Hull(P)
EP/S025537/1 Evolving a circular plastics ecomony(C)
EP/L018098/1 Loughborough University - Equipment Account(P)
EP/J010359/1 Interactions of flow, tidal stream turbines and local sediment bed under combined waves and tidal conditions (INSTRON)(C)
Key: (P)=Principal Investigator, (C)=Co-Investigator, (R)=Researcher Co-Investigator