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Researcher Details
Name: Professor RA Bourne
Organisation: University of Leeds
Department: Chemical and Process Engineering
Current EPSRC-Supported Research Topics:
Artificial Intelligence Carbon Capture & Storage
Design & Testing Technology Design of Process systems
Drug Formulation & Delivery Intelligent & Expert Systems
Manufacturing Machine & Plant Materials Processing
Med.Instrument.Device& Equip. Physical Organic Chemistry
Reactor Engineering

Current EPSRC Support
EP/Z002532/1 Autonomous Reactors for Accelerating the route from Bench-to-Shelf for Sustainable High-Value Polymer Materials(C)
EP/Z531339/1 Accelerated Development of Pharmaceutical Processes Through Digitally Coupled Reaction Screening and Process Optimisation(C)
EP/Z532964/1 EPSRC MediForge Hub: Industry 5.0 Medicines Manufacturing Research Hub(C)
EP/Y035100/1 EPSRC Centre for Doctoral Training Developing National Capability for Materials 4.0 with the Henry Royce Institute(C)
EP/X024237/1 DigiScale: Digitally driven scale up of chemical processes(C)
EP/V055089/1 NanoMan: Self-Optimising Nanoscale Manufacturing Platforms for Achieving Multiscale Precision(C)
EP/V050990/1 FLEXICHEM: Flexible Digital Chemical Manufacturing Through Structure/Reactivity Relationships(P)
Previous EPSRC Support
EP/R032807/1 Cognitive Chemical Manufacturing(P)
EP/R009406/1 Multifunctional Electrochemical Flow Platform for High-Throughput Synthesis & Optimisation of Catalysts(C)
Key: (P)=Principal Investigator, (C)=Co-Investigator, (R)=Researcher Co-Investigator