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Current EPSRC Support by Partner

Partner: Numerical Algorithms Group Ltd (NAG) UK

Grant TitleHolding OrganisationValue (£)
EPSRC Centre for Doctoral Training in Fluid Dynamics at LeedsUniversity of Leeds 4,665,002
EPSRC Centre for Doctoral Training in Future Fluid DynamicsUniversity of Leeds 6,151,428
EPSRC Centre for Doctoral Training in Statistics and Operational Research in Partnership with Industry (STOR-i)Lancaster University 5,764,273
EPSRC-SFI: Krylov subspace methods for non-symmetric PDE problems: a deeper understanding and faster convergenceUniversity of Strathclyde 355,812
ExaTEPP: Theoretical and Experimental Particle Physics at the Exascale FrontierUniversity of Sheffield 161,027
Particles At eXascale on High Performance Computers (PAX-HPC)UCL 3,041,191
ProbAI: A Hub for the Mathematical and Computational Foundations of Probabilistic AILancaster University 8,576,838

Total Number of Grants: 7
Total Value of Grants: £28,715,570

The grant value may include the cost of access to facilities (these funds are not awarded to the grant holding organisation).