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Current EPSRC Support by Partner

Partner: Max Planck Institutes

Grant TitleHolding OrganisationValue (£)
AQuA DIP: Advanced Quantum Approaches to Double Ionisation ProcessesQueen's University of Belfast 865,857
Astrocatalysis: In Operando Studies Of Catalysis And Photocatalysis Of Space-abundant Transition MetalsHeriot-Watt University 901,228
Autonomous Phenotype-Directed Molecular DiscoveryUniversity of Leeds 1,184,398
CAMERA 2.0University of Bath 3,401,654
Computational topology and geometry for systems biologyUniversity of Oxford 1,260,450
DEFORM: Large Scale Shape Analysis of Deformable Models of HumansImperial College London 1,350,283
Designer Quantum Materials - Thermodynamics and TransportUniversity of St Andrews 1,220,782
Designing and exploring new quantum materials based on Fermi surface topological transitionsLoughborough University 574,805
Digital navigation of chemical space for functionUniversity of Liverpool 8,699,373
Elasto-superconductivity: a pathway to devising new unconventional superconductorsKings College London 643,489
EPSRC and SFI Centre for Doctoral Training in Advanced Metallic Systems: Metallurgical Challenges for the Digital Manufacturing EnvironmentUniversity of Sheffield 5,716,547
EPSRC Centre for Doctoral Training in Intelligent, Integrated Imaging In Healthcare (i4health)UCL 6,383,191
EPSRC Centre for Doctoral Training in Modelling of Heterogeneous SystemsUniversity of Warwick 6,027,145
EPSRC Centre for Doctoral Training in Molecules to ProductUniversity of Leeds 5,335,774
EPSRC Centre for Doctoral Training in the Mathematics for our Future Climate: Theory, Data and SimulationImperial College London 8,809,974
Femtosecond Coherences in Single-Molecule MagnetsUniversity of Edinburgh 891,005
Harnessing quantum optical phenomena in cold atomic ensemblesLancaster University 975,175
High Resolution Imaging Using Transient BindersUniversity of Leeds 1,219,312
International Centre-to-Centre Collaboration: New catalysts for acetylene processes enabling a sustainable futureCardiff University 1,276,092
Multimetallic CO2 Reduction Catalysts as Artificial CofactorsUniversity of Leicester 165,322
Multiphase Multicomponent Lattice Boltzmann Method for Modelling Wetting on Liquid Infused SurfacesUniversity of Edinburgh 720,195
New minimally invasive technologies for the treatment of pancreatic cancerUniversity of Leeds 1,522,148
Next Generation Advanced Materials - Structure-Property RelationshipsUniversity of St Andrews 1,196,714
NMR at 1.2 GHz: A World-Leading UK Facility to Deliver Advances in Biology, Chemistry, and Materials ScienceUniversity of Warwick 16,836,161
Novel Quantum Phases in Unconventional InsulatorsUniversity of Cambridge 1,601,949
Parahydrogen-Induced Hyperpolarisation For Microfluidic Perfusion CultureUniversity of Southampton 1,213,199
POST: Protocols, Observabilities and Session TypesUniversity of Oxford 1,243,069
Quantum Advantage in Quantitative Quantum SimulationUniversity of Oxford 9,319,152
SACRED-MA: Safe And seCure REmote Direct Memory AccessUniversity of Surrey 466,480
Software Environment for Actionable & VVUQ-evaluated Exascale Applications (SEAVEA)UCL 728,470
Strain-tuning electronic structure and quantum many-body interactionsUniversity of St Andrews 445,433
Superconducting and normal states in quantum materialsUniversity of Cambridge 711,659
Theoretical Condensed Matter Cambridge - Critical Mass GrantUniversity of Cambridge 2,997,306
TRibology as an ENabling Technology (TRENT)University of Leeds 1,538,131
Turing AI Fellowship: Trustworthy Machine LearningUniversity of Cambridge 1,283,429
UKRI Centre for Doctoral Training in Accountable, Responsible and Transparent AIUniversity of Bath 7,288,376
UKRI Trustworthy Autonomous Systems HubUniversity of Southampton 14,069,722

Total Number of Grants: 37
Total Value of Grants: £120,083,448

The grant value may include the cost of access to facilities (these funds are not awarded to the grant holding organisation).