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Current EPSRC Support by Partner

Partner: Central Laser Facility

Grant TitleHolding OrganisationValue (£)
A Universal Approach for Solving Real-World Problems Using Quantum Dynamics: Coherent States for Molecular Simulations (COSMOS)UCL 5,997,341
Artificial Intelligence X-ray Imaging for Sustainable Metal Manufacturing (AIXISuMM)University of Oxford 791,164
Attosecond Electronic Dynamics of the Valence States in Matter Measured with XFELsImperial College London 834,036
Automated multi-dimensional mapping of dynamic laser-liquid interactionsQueen's University of Belfast 150,053
Controlling and integrating 2D magnetism in epitaxial van der Waals heterostructuresUniversity of St Andrews 938,887
EPSRC Centre for Doctoral Training in Fusion PowerUniversity of York 9,562,478
Exploiting the European XFEL for a New Generation of High Energy Density and Materials ScienceUniversity of Edinburgh 659,756
Imperial College Laboratory for Ultrafast X-ray Diffraction (LUXD)Imperial College London 3,258,990
The new intensity frontier: exploring quantum electrodynamic plasmasUniversity of York 433,628
The UK Catalysis Hub -'Core'Cardiff University 2,201,661

Total Number of Grants: 10
Total Value of Grants: £24,827,995

The grant value may include the cost of access to facilities (these funds are not awarded to the grant holding organisation).