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Current EPSRC Support by Partner

Partner: University of Edinburgh

Grant TitleHolding OrganisationValue (£)
A correct-by-construction approach to approximate computationUniversity of Strathclyde 692,875
A molten salt community framework for predictive modelling of critical characteristicsSheffield Hallam University 591,182
A Universal Approach for Solving Real-World Problems Using Quantum Dynamics: Coherent States for Molecular Simulations (COSMOS)UCL 5,997,341
Agent-based Memory Prosthesis to Encourage Reminiscing (AMPER)Heriot-Watt University 449,447
An Adsorption-Compression Cold Thermal Energy Storage System (ACCESS)University of Liverpool 748,533
Bandstructure and doping engineering for unprecedented power factors in half-Heusler thermoelectricsUniversity of St Andrews 559,942
Bionics+: User Centred Design and Usability of Bionic DevicesUniversity of Warwick 902,307
CHAI - EPSRC AI Hub for Causality in Healthcare AI with Real DataUniversity of Edinburgh 10,288,789
Computing Lagrangian means in multi-timescale fluid flowsDurham, University of 375,796
Contactless Droplet Manipulation for Highly Aligned Organic SemiconductorsUCL 941,348
Defining a Draft for a Zero Power Reactor Experiment for Molten Salt ReactorsUniversity of Liverpool 1,284,485
Electrochemical Profiling of Extracellular Vesicles (EP4EVs)Heriot-Watt University 165,994
Exascale Agent-based Modelling for PoLicy Evaluation in Real-time (ExAMPLER)The James Hutton Institute 412,695
Fibre Reinforced Thermoplastic Tape Development CellUniversity of Sheffield 1,786,360
Flame quenching and Lean blow-off limits of new zero/low-carbon fuels towards delivering a green Aviation; a combined Modelling & Experimental studyUniversity of Sheffield 630,420
High End Computing Consortium for Wave Structure Interaction HEC WSIUniversity of Plymouth 355,960
Immersion cooling and heat storageDurham, University of 1,276,418
In-Procedure Personalized Atrial Digital Twin to Predict Outcome of Atrial Fibrillation AblationImperial College London 1,217,160
Marine energy OptimiSAtion for system securIty enhanCement (MOSAIC)University of Plymouth 354,234
Mechanics and Design of Kirigami-Based Energy Dissipating DevicesUniversity of Surrey 275,342
Multiphase Multicomponent Lattice Boltzmann Method for Modelling Wetting on Liquid Infused SurfacesUniversity of Edinburgh 720,195
MUSE: Multi-Modal Software EvolutionUniversity of Surrey 311,024
National Facility for High Resolution CL Analysis of Photovoltaic and Optoelectronic DevicesLoughborough University 2,668,403
Predictive multiscale free energy simulations of hybrid transition metal catalystsSTFC Laboratories (Grouped) 682,674
Resurgence and parametric asymptotics: exact results at all scalesUniversity of Southampton 426,226
SGAI: Brain-Inspired Nanosystems for Smart and Green AIKings College London 1,518,054
Shapeshifting MoleculesUniversity of York 1,149,788
Stretching the boundaries; new soft matter systems.University of Leeds 1,631,505
SUPERCAT: Super Catalysts - from CO2 to Net-ZeroUniversity of Surrey 342,888
The limits of Quantum Computing: an approach via Post-Quantum CryptographyKings College London 466,491
TrustMRI: Trustworthy and Robust Magnetic Resonance Image Reconstruction with Uncertainty Modelling and Deep LearningImperial College London 485,939
Turing AI Fellowship: Event-Centric Framework for Natural Language UnderstandingKings College London 887,437
Unravelling the Mechanisms of Self-Cleaning on Superhydrophobic and Liquid-Infused SurfacesUniversity of Edinburgh 219,042

Total Number of Grants: 33
Total Value of Grants: £40,816,297

The grant value may include the cost of access to facilities (these funds are not awarded to the grant holding organisation).