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Current EPSRC Support by Partner

Partner: MBDA

Grant TitleHolding OrganisationValue (£)
A U.K. Hub for Quantum Enabled Position, Navigation and Timing (QEPNT)University of Glasgow 20,887,823
Chi Qup-scale Atomic Systems for aantum NavigatorUniversity of Glasgow 8,883,909
EPSRC Centre for Doctoral Training in Applied Quantum TechnologiesUniversity of Strathclyde 7,909,260
EPSRC Centre for Doctoral Training in Distributed Algorithms: the what, how and where of next-generation data scienceUniversity of Liverpool 4,906,790
EPSRC Centre for Doctoral Training in Future Fluid DynamicsUniversity of Leeds 6,151,428
High Explosive Advanced Diagnostics and Media Modelling (HEADaMM)University of Sheffield 1,073,170
UK Metamaterials NetworkUniversity of Exeter 3,376,144
UK National Quantum Technology Hub in Sensing and TimingUniversity of Birmingham 28,537,607
UK Quantum Technology Hub in Sensing, Imaging and Timing (QuSIT)University of Birmingham 20,941,588
UKRI AI Centre for Doctoral Training in Lifelong Safety Assurance of AI-enabled Autonomous Systems (SAINTS)University of York 8,090,987

Total Number of Grants: 10
Total Value of Grants: £110,758,706

The grant value may include the cost of access to facilities (these funds are not awarded to the grant holding organisation).