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Current EPSRC Support by Partner

Partner: University of Warwick

Grant TitleHolding OrganisationValue (£)
Embedding FAIRness in Plasma ScienceUniversity of York 992,754
ESTEEM: Energy efficient and Safe out-of-oven manufacTuring for compositE materials with intEgrated MultifunctionalitiesQueen Mary University of London 395,947
Fibre Reinforced Thermoplastic Tape Development CellUniversity of Sheffield 1,786,360
High End Computing Consortium for Wave Structure Interaction HEC WSIUniversity of Plymouth 355,960
Integrated heating and cooling networks with heat-sharing-enabled smart prosumersCardiff University 856,109
MOSQUITO: MObile Spin-based QUantum Information sTOrageHeriot-Watt University 1,196,211
Optimisation-centric Generalisations of Bayesian InferenceUCL 325,660
Process design of new reduced activation ferrite martensite (RAFM) steels for nuclear fusion reactorsUniversity of Manchester, The 480,738
Quantum Materials by TwistronicsUniversity of Manchester, The 1,289,897
Random Periodicity in Dynamics with UncertaintyDurham, University of 817,931
Spin-orbit coupling and dimensionality at the heart of quantum magnetism of heavy transition metal oxidesSTFC Laboratories (Grouped) 378,979
Strain-tuning electronic structure and quantum many-body interactionsUniversity of St Andrews 445,433
Super-Diffusion In Quantum Spin ChainsUniversity of Birmingham 335,457
Sustainable microwave manufacturing of functional inorganic materials (SuMMa)University of Sheffield 1,683,171
The Future Advanced Metrology Hub for Sustainable ManufacturingUniversity of Huddersfield 11,857,653
THE FUTURE COMPOSITES MANUFACTURING HUBUniversity of Nottingham 10,830,792
Towards LED-pumped Masers: a new class of room-temperature masersNorthumbria, University of 398,153
Transforming the Foundation Industries: a Network+ Towards Value by InnovationUniversity of Sheffield 2,259,077
UKRI Interdisciplinary Circular Economy Centre for Textiles: Circular Bioeconomy for Textile MaterialsRoyal College of Art 4,436,877

Total Number of Grants: 19
Total Value of Grants: £41,123,158

The grant value may include the cost of access to facilities (these funds are not awarded to the grant holding organisation).