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Current EPSRC Support by Partner

Partner: Kings College London

Grant TitleHolding OrganisationValue (£)
A whole-heart model of multiscale soft tissue mechanics and fluid structure interaction for clinical applications (Whole-Heart-FSI)University of Glasgow 1,304,759
CageTag: Caged Tharanostics as a Universal Platform for Nuclear MedicineUniversity of Edinburgh 396,516
Empowering Practical Interfacing of Quantum Computing (EPIQC)University of Glasgow 2,448,091
Harnessing the Power of Stein Discrepancies in Bayesian ComputationNewcastle University 704,773
NP2: Hybrid Nanoparticle-Nanoporous nitride materials as a novel precision manufacture route to optoelectronic devicesUniversity of Cambridge 202,164
Putting A Spin On Machine Learning, Atom by AtomUniversity of Nottingham 1,796,877
TrustMRI: Trustworthy and Robust Magnetic Resonance Image Reconstruction with Uncertainty Modelling and Deep LearningImperial College London 485,939
Turing AI Fellowship: Advancing Multi-Agent Deep Reinforcement Learning for Sequential Decision Making in Real-World ApplicationsUniversity of Warwick 1,518,509
U-care: Deep ultraviolet light therapiesHeriot-Watt University 6,132,366
UKRI Centre for Doctoral Training in Speech and Language Technologies and their ApplicationsUniversity of Sheffield 5,780,328
Unravelling the mechanobiology of the craniofacial system- towards a novel therapy (CranioMech)UCL 1,548,699
XAdv: Robust Explanations for Malware DetectionKings College London 315,128

Total Number of Grants: 12
Total Value of Grants: £22,634,151

The grant value may include the cost of access to facilities (these funds are not awarded to the grant holding organisation).