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Current EPSRC Support by Partner

Partner: Kings College London

Grant TitleHolding OrganisationValue (£)
A whole-heart model of multiscale soft tissue mechanics and fluid structure interaction for clinical applications (Whole-Heart-FSI)University of Glasgow 1,304,759
CageTag: Caged Tharanostics as a Universal Platform for Nuclear MedicineUniversity of Edinburgh 396,516
DNA barges for nano-scale force sensing and regulation in biological membranesImperial College London 487,283
Empowering Practical Interfacing of Quantum Computing (EPIQC)University of Glasgow 2,448,091
Harnessing the Power of Stein Discrepancies in Bayesian ComputationNewcastle University 704,773
NP2: Hybrid Nanoparticle-Nanoporous nitride materials as a novel precision manufacture route to optoelectronic devicesUniversity of Cambridge 202,164
Putting A Spin On Machine Learning, Atom by AtomUniversity of Nottingham 1,796,877
TrustMRI: Trustworthy and Robust Magnetic Resonance Image Reconstruction with Uncertainty Modelling and Deep LearningImperial College London 485,939
Turing AI Fellowship: Advancing Multi-Agent Deep Reinforcement Learning for Sequential Decision Making in Real-World ApplicationsUniversity of Warwick 1,518,509
U-care: Deep ultraviolet light therapiesHeriot-Watt University 6,132,366
UKRI Centre for Doctoral Training in Speech and Language Technologies and their ApplicationsUniversity of Sheffield 5,794,711
Unravelling the mechanobiology of the craniofacial system- towards a novel therapy (CranioMech)UCL 1,548,699
XAdv: Robust Explanations for Malware DetectionKings College London 315,128

Total Number of Grants: 13
Total Value of Grants: £23,135,816

The grant value may include the cost of access to facilities (these funds are not awarded to the grant holding organisation).