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Current EPSRC Support by Partner

Partner: Amazon Web Services (UK)

Grant TitleHolding OrganisationValue (£)
DIGITUniversity of Exeter 3,699,962
EPSRC Digital Health Hub for Antimicrobial ResistanceUCL 4,195,584
INDICATE: AI-enabled data curation, quality and fact-checking for medical documentsImperial College London 574,026
Interface reasoning for interacting systems (IRIS).UCL 6,146,075
Northern Health Futures HubNewcastle University 3,359,256
UKRI Centre for Doctoral Training in Safe and Trusted Artificial IntelligenceKings College London 7,135,274

Total Number of Grants: 6
Total Value of Grants: £25,110,177

The grant value may include the cost of access to facilities (these funds are not awarded to the grant holding organisation).